Alternatives to our current life of limitation

JANU:   For today’s focus let us pursue the interest in formulating a path of transformation of ignorance to enlightenment. We hear so many comment as to this or that, revealing much as to the state of consciousness of humanity. Many opportunities are on the horizon, our brother, that will challenge humanity to grow into a richer life.

Realizing who you are, and what you and life can be, is a grand journey. And so-called ‘outer life’ and ‘inner life’ must merge into oneness for both to flower. Wisdom comes from experience when knowledge is applied to opportunity. And wisdom brings a greater sense of the completion of life, the balance and potential, and the maturity to embrace successfully the choices that are made.

Envision a life where one can choose their form of life and change it at will, depending upon the reality that is embraced. Currently, humanity sees itself as limited to the human body, the human personality, and physical surroundings of form and their properties. Consider the freedom and ability to understand and experience whatever interests you, anywhere in life, even your own origins and your potential.

Consider a life where survival is not a concern and that needed can be manifested as needed. A life where one questions “What is next?” from an array of choices, not from confusion and emptiness. A life where peace and happiness and joy are by choice only, not requiring circumstance. Where one can observe and understand the present from the future or from the past. Observing life from any perspective, not limited to time or distance. Where one can attune to someone on another world as sheer Life.

The possibilities are endless, our brother, and they exist now. Namaste.

May 24, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross