Memories and dreams

JANU: Memories, to some, are like dreams that come and go without processing, seeing something asmore to experience for the moment and then move on to something else. The patterns of dreaming are not unlike those of memories. They are triggered by circumstance, events, and concerns. Memories are like the bulwark of review, reconsideration, and restructuring of consciousness, perceptions, and decision-making. Very useful tools in the art of life processing. Dreams and memories are of equal importance to the evolution of one’s lifetime of experiences, and they’re preparation for building the next, you see.

Memories seem to transcend time and space, for they are difficult to pin down consciously in a linear timeframe. They are subject to a mixing of pieces of memories that modify a particular memory, confusing then what seems established in the memory with the actual event. What this should suggest is: memories are subject to review, reconsideration, enlightenment, modification into a new record of the results of such consideration.

Memories and thoughts are closely related and both are recorded in the consciousness and can be retrieved at any time. Under the right circumstances, memories and thoughts of another can be retrieved for various purposes, with the integrity of respect for life and the freedom of another.

Dreams and memories are not something separate from you. To a degree, they can be understood as you, elements of your relationships with life and each other. All of your life is recorded, our brother, and these records are always available for recall and application to your choices. Your auric field is a doorway to these, thus the ability for those so attuned to read another.

Remember, our brother, the truths of life are not secrets. How could life evolve and fulfill its potential with secrets? Own all you remember, all you dream, all of your life. And be free. Namaste.

June 18, 2014                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are previous posts on this subject: [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-nature-of-memories”]their nature[/p2p], [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-life-and-purpose-of-memories”]their purpose[/p2p], and [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-transmutation-of-memories”]transmutation[/p2p]