The transition of awakening

JANU: We are Janu speaking, clearly, as it seems, joining together that which belongs to the equality of the so-called Rapture and the release of the spirit from mortality, the ‘mortal coil’ if you will. What we describe here is the union or coming together of what some call ‘soul’ and the release from incarnate experience. What we really see here is the identity shift from humanity to spiritual being, the significant moment in the evolution of consciousness for it reveals the true freedom of being. And this experience triggers a flood of memories and awakening to the larger life.

So many of your world see only the current environment, societal norms, the vagaries of the physical condition, consumed with thoughts of longevity, and the thoughts of transition hanging over the life like the Grim Reaper. We are here to say, at this time, that this moment in experience is wondrous indeed, for it reveals so much of all you have been and known. So it is useful to let this event ‘rest in peace’ while engaging where you are in the moment, your tasks at hand. One does not have to wait for transition to live in joy and peace, fundamental happiness, and the richness of discovery and knowing. The transition that matters in the moment is the transition of awakening, whether incarnate or not, you see. Awakening is a transition, into the light of knowing and being who you are.

June 10, 2014 B                                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

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