The Magic of Life

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the performance of a lifetime, for many, to become one with who they are, their Eternal Self, their True Nature and the truth of their being. This is not ‘a few minutes a day’ technique or exercise. This is a quiet reality throughout the day and evening, becoming at peace and taking the time to love life, including themselves, and not just observe it or understand it. To love oneself is a powerful reality, extending into your relationships with everything. Loving oneself allows you to see and engage the beauty in every moment, that you have the ability to touch life and it touch you.

It is difficult to grasp being one with a part of life and yet have the integrity of your uniqueness at the same time. Understanding uniqueness or differences seems obvious to most but to perceive oneness profoundly seems a departure from individuality. They both co-exist, our brother. It depends upon what you choose to be conscious as, in any moment, in any circumstance. This even applies to having a question and being one with the answer, at the same time.
There have been many in humanity’s past who have achieved this consciousness, seemingly isolated from the rest of the world yet having intimate knowledge of the portrayal of life everywhere. So many come to these for answers to their questions, to explain their life circumstance. Yet they all could achieve what these seers have achieved, but they have no confidence or commitment to their own profound abilities. The true teacher inspires others into their freedom to know and be their true desires.
What is the magic, then, that inspires one to take that step on that journey of becoming? It takes one moment of direct experience to take the step on that journey. The form that takes varies greatly, but the message is the same and it’s a message that’s been with them, as a being, always. ‘Loving who you are truly’ is the magical doorway to a larger life.
Sept. 29, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross