The dance of life

JANU:   We are encouraging the flow of life in the experiencing of this day, demonstrating that a degree of patience allows life to unfold successfully. A balance between reasonable expectations and the commitment to them, to a measure of patience and understanding. Part of the dance of life, our brother, and it is like a dance. Everyone you deal with is your partner for a moment, dancing the dance of relationships, each with an agenda yet needing mutual support and cooperation. Wisdom prevails when the parties involved guide each other carefully into a reasonable outcome for both parties. It is like dancing with multiple partners and each one takes some guidance from each other to maneuver gracefully in the dance of life, meaning that each must sense each other’s point of view. A good theme for dancing is to move gracefully with each other. Consider this carefully. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross