More on conscious of and conscious as

JANU:    The theme today being conscious of and conscious as intimacy of life. Being conscious has at least two dimensions of which we speak. Study, research, observation are the beginnings of understanding. Being more and more conscious of life and its expressions, its creations, its relationships, and its potential can take lifetimes of pursuit and discovery. Carried to the next stage is to be more and more conscious as whatever your interests, pursuits, even conscious as who you are in your totality.

Bringing these two together causes an evolution, not only in perception but in being. Simultaneous realities overlap and are synergistic. Conscious of and conscious as are the keys. Simultaneous existences united as one, diverse and one, open the identity which has been one-pointed, locked in place, irrefutable, which is an illusion in the face of the Larger Life.

Identity shifting is a freedom of being that allows for exploration and intimacy with the rest of life. Identity fixation becomes the norm for those unable to be conscious as. It is a survival tool in an isolated consciousness. Exploring other worlds, other cultures, other species, other platforms of life takes on an intimacy of experience and understanding when identity can shift with being conscious as. The integrity of being is broader than one identity. Coexistence is a reality, more of a profound exploration. Co-identities as well.

Being unlocked from one perception of life inspires harmony among the systems of life, which is a peace not unlike life itself, with its diversities of expression, of coexistence and omnipresence. Expand being conscious of more and more of life and your own Nature and, at the same time, expand being conscious as the life that you are and can be. We are one and namaste.
June 26, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Is destruction a necessary part of change?

JANU: You ask if destruction is a necessary part of change. In the physical world, it is, although not always as it might seem. What is destroyed in those cases is relationship and that includes all forms of destruction. So, you see, the nature of change is the change in relationships. Best to be seen in this way, for even though relationship is changed, the record of the previous relationship is still there for reference and reconstruction. For when relationships change, elements of those relationships can be utilized, recreated, so do not limit perception of change to destruction resulting in loss.

Life is the association of all things. And, in the larger understanding, nothing is lost. That is a superficial perception, based on limited understanding. The focus is Life and its evolution, its enrichment. And the changes and the movement of relationships is part of this and enriches life.

So, you see, even in the process of change, which may include what you see as a destruction, is the beauty of the evolution of relationships. Part of the miracle of Life. So be at peace with this. Anticipate it. Live in the moment and embrace change. Namaste.
Feb. 11, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

For more on the concept of change itself, the reader may wish to read Change: The Breath of Life and Change is everywhere


Choosing best relationships

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:   Have I met my best mate yet, best for both of us and for our service to the planet? How could ** and I best be connected? Just friends, or a committed husband/wife relationship. I am 23 years older and we are very close but also some conflicts.

JANU: As we examine the relationships issue with you, please seek to resolve within yourself: intimate relationship with another as an integrated component in the structure of your life, how best does this kind of relationship facilitate your hopes and dreams for life fulfillment? And do these dreams include the hopes and dreams of another? This one of whom you speak in this first part of your question has a channel or course or path in his life stream that is active yet turbulent, not mastered yet by him, making it difficult for him to answer the question we posed to you. We would see much discussion between you, in an open and honest way, of life path dreams and commitments and see if each other’s interests the other, you see.

Even when two seemingly share the same direction of life interest or vision, there are differences significant enough to create conflicts where the understanding and commitment to caring for another’s dream or vision is not strong in the relationship, you see. Even without clear vision on both parties’ part, clear understanding and commitment to these dynamics of relationship will carry you through, so to speak. We see no direct conflicts at this time, but the need for good communication. Test these dynamics before commitments are made of a lifelong intimate relationship. Your service to each other and the world will take care of itself when the foundation is laid that can be built upon. For your service and services can adapt according to your foundation, as the needs for service are varied indeed and developing.

Q:   Any enlightenment on my connection with ***, very close friend over the phone (spiritual friend and co-worker)? What can I do to better prepare myself for a long term relationship that is balanced on all levels (and inspiring and creative)?

JANU: Yes, we have this one of whom you speak, ***. What we see here is one who comes to his ownership, to his presence in the flow of life, through self aggrandizement at times. Seeing opportunities for self fulfillment rather than the fulfillment of the opportunity, you see, including the opportunities of others.             What we would suggest here, dear one, is the benefit of the long distance connection. There will be times when you will be sorely pressed to hold your course of focus on enriching life rather than being enriched in this relationship, and in so doing provide opportunity for him to understand this different perspective and its benefit to the rest of life.

As to your preparation for a balanced, creative life and development of your preparation for long term relationship, we would see it in this manner. Cohabitate with yourself in the sense of good communication, support and comfort, clear understanding, and, yes, even love for yourself within your own heart of your true being. Many look for these things through the presence of another in their life. The best relationship, dear one, is when another encourages you to find these things within yourself, and you the same for them. Connect with and understand these strengths in the nature of your being and this prepares you for encouraging this in another who would share your life path, and you theirs.

As this process begins, life will find another so prepared and you will recognize the crossing of your paths because of this preparation, you see. Know that this is so and proceed in that way. You will not have to endlessly analyze the merits of another when this crossing takes place. You will feel the connection with the strengths of the true being by which you have formed your identity, you see. Have faith in the power of life to fulfill.

May 26, 1997                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other questions from this individual see Feb. 16th posting and Miscellaneous attunement.

More   Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


The dance of life

JANU:   We are encouraging the flow of life in the experiencing of this day, demonstrating that a degree of patience allows life to unfold successfully. A balance between reasonable expectations and the commitment to them, to a measure of patience and understanding. Part of the dance of life, our brother, and it is like a dance. Everyone you deal with is your partner for a moment, dancing the dance of relationships, each with an agenda yet needing mutual support and cooperation. Wisdom prevails when the parties involved guide each other carefully into a reasonable outcome for both parties. It is like dancing with multiple partners and each one takes some guidance from each other to maneuver gracefully in the dance of life, meaning that each must sense each other’s point of view. A good theme for dancing is to move gracefully with each other. Consider this carefully. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross