Conclusions for humanity

JANU: We are opening this morning to the conclusions that the awakening of humanity is established, if as yet not fully realized, for inherent in human consciousness is the will to survive, understand, and grow, and the need to serve, to give back to life. It is also concluded that humanity will engage its brothers on other worlds and in other realties, the subtler life, you see. These conclusions have been developed since the beginning of humanity.

An interesting question is what is humanity and what is not? The body is human. The spirit is imprinted with human experience, but its nature is not human. So what is awakening here? The spirit is awakening in the human experience, to further enrich the denser human reality, physicality if you will. For remember that even physicality is life. So, as life reaches through the subtler realms to the more dense, the dense is still part of the whole and the spirit is on the path of enriching it that the fullness of life finds its outermost densities. And, in very real ways, the success, enrichment of physicality, benefits the totality of life. See not the subtler realities of life as more important than the physical experience. They are tied together in the one life. As awakening progresses, the seeming benefits of subtle existence become apparent in the physical journey. The two are one, and blending.

The death throes of ignorance are many in the human physical existence, but that is exactly what they are: the struggle to survive as they self-destruct. And the march of awakening continues, without firing a shot, so to speak, our brother. Humanity will achieve what it understands, and awakening broadens and deepens the understanding. So continue to grow, understand, and to share with others these possibilities, as we do with you, our brother, and those we serve. Namaste.

Feb. 5, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross