You are far more than you know

JANU: What we speak of here this morning is the union of consciousnesses, the spiritual and the physical achieving a sort of parity, each walking through the journey of the other, in harmony, with a voice of oneness. No longer separated by perception or social conditioning or the ‘veil’ if you will. We have achieved this union before, the patterns of which are still current and effective. We shall increase these patterns into a fuller representation of their potential.

Much to understand about the reality of oneness and all that it can be. Generally speaking, life is in balance and in harmony and in motion and becoming richer every moment. Allowing oneness to be a reality in your life transforms it and does not diminish the integrity of individuality and uniqueness, but allows the integrity of all realities to become something more.

The journey of awakening is rich beyond your imagination. Many think of physicality and spirit as covering everything. It does not. For most, ‘spirit’ means non-physical. And ‘physical’ is limited to current perceptions. It has many layers and realities in existence. And it is the oneness reality of life that makes possible the journey in consciousness through all realities and to contribute through creative consciousness connected with these realities. Yes, there are protocols and levels of wisdom needed, but it is all there, our brother. Awakening once more is the path to all of this.

Incarnating is an experiment in exploring life and can be accomplished in many ways, with or without a veil, you see. But your True Nature has chosen the protocols, the wisdom of these protocols, and the path to overcome them. So, as you embrace your journeys of exploration, also embrace the wisdom behind them. Now the wisdom and experience of your True Nature is larger than this experiment, but this experiment, this journey is being added to it.

And, yes, your True Nature is not limited to this one journey. It has many other interests as well, many other associations. And there is a synergism effect affording even greater wisdom. Awakening to who you truly are is no small journey, our brother, but worth taking. Namaste.

May 15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross