JANU: We will address at this time the reason for anomalies in speech patterns as we convey understanding.
Understand that most of life does not use verbal speech. It communicates in other ways, far more revealing and unambiguous and truthful. Human speech can have many meanings for the same word and the pattern of languages overlap each other, and they have roots in other languages, and, of course, meanings that have drifted over time. Imagine the challenge to speak clearly and precisely in attuned communication with language anywhere in the world. This is why language and meaning must sort itself out over time.
This is why visuals are relied upon in dreams and elsewhere. But again comes the problem of interpretation. You have seen many images, scenarios, that relate to our journeys. Upon reflection, some are understood for their true meaning. When pursued, any vision can be explained.
Our method of conscious attunement has its challenges but the channel has a greater opportunity to mature and understand. Now the primary communicator is your own True Nature, who you truly are, the larger you, the eternal you. Other beings can convey information as well. Best accomplished in harmony with the protocols of your own being.
Effective communication is a complex reality of protocols. Anomalies, our brother, do not negate the rest of the journey. It is possible, using the strength and foundation of the rest of the attunement, to clarify these. So we all do our best to achieve the clearest communication, with the patience to refine and deepen understanding. Many approach to participate in the communication but must adjust to the protocols as well, one being our agreement to proceed. Namaste.
May 26, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross