The pursuit of happiness

JANU:    Elemental though it may seem, the pursuit of happiness is a powerful journey and it belongs to everyone. The pursuit and realization of happiness supports everything included in your life.

You ask, “What is happiness, then, that is such a powerful element of living?” It contains exuberance, sense of freedom, a love for all possibilities that enrich your life. It is the elementals of your existence, the principles at peace with each other, full of life, confident and generous to others. Happiness naturally is open to sharing for benefit and enjoys the happiness of others, especially their release from the entanglements of their own choosing.

You ask, ”How does one pursue happiness, then?” It is a transition by choice from a gloomy, trouble-filled life to the peace of true freedom. Freedom from restrictions, rules and regulations imposed by society, by those who have yet to achieve the freedom we speak of, a society where people do not trust each other, full of suspicion and fear. When you choose to walk the life, the inner life, true freedom is found.

A happy person has a rich humor, patience, tolerance, and refuses to be entangled by the complexities of life or owned by them. They are not ignorant of these things. They appreciate very well what they lead to. But they choose to cope with life and its complexities with a light heart, a clear mind, and a confidence in a bright future. They easily see solutions where others do not. Happy people enjoy good health, for in a very real way, every element of their being enjoys this happiness as well.

Choose to be a happy person and others will be drawn to this, for they long for it as well. Help them understand who they are and what they are capable of. It is far easier and more natural to create a life of lightness than one of darkness, which must be maintained at every turn and is rich with self-destructive elements. A life of happiness does not need constant repair. It is in harmony with the flow of life and Life itself.

Choose to see viable, healthy solutions to challenges, to opportunities, to relationships, and to your understanding of that which is unknown to you, soon to be revealed. Grow in your awareness of what draws you into, and keeps you in, a life of darkness: isolation, confusion, frustration. The alternative, our brother, is very powerful and life-sustaining. Be at peace. Live in happiness. Be a light to others. And be grateful you have lived. Namaste.

June 4, 2015                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross