Your identity and your True Nature

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us journey within to our core nature, the truth of our being, the oneness of it all. The deeper your consciousness journeys into your nature, you become more conscious of the oneness of it all, many dimensioned, many faceted oneness. There is a synergism to life that speaks of its integrity and its perpetual nature and individuality takes on a new meaning. The human interpretation of individuality is limited to a physical consciousness and experience. Not in all cases, our brother, but for many.

Now, this is due in part to the True Nature’s desire to explore this reality. Gently at first, more pervasive as life moved on, matured, gained wisdom and experience. Physicality is not the only reality for which this has occurred. The free will you cherish is free to a degree and limited to your current consciousness and identity.

Sharing understanding with your True Nature is a wise path to take, for it is not so limited or confined to time/space. Remember that your True Nature is who you truly are and it is no illusion, but the authority for your sojourns and your choices. Allowing your consciousness to grow into this reality is the path to full consciousness and the true freedom you think you understand. So allow your identity to expand to include more of who you are. And, yes, we are one. Namaste, our brother.

June 29, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross