Understanding commitment

JANU: The subject this morning is commitment. Even commitment, our brother, is subject to flexibility, modification, limitations, but it speaks well of character, compassion, vision, and integrity. Now, some commitments are not always the wisest, but are sincere at the time. Therefore, as experience brings clarity to the relationship, at times correction is called for and wisdom dictates this, you see, for even wisdom is changing. However, commitment is a good beginning, and leads to follow through to achieve goals.

Now, the foundation for commitments is varied. They can be selfish in nature, destructive, or loving, uplifting, serving, understanding, and enriching. This is why the declaration of a commitment is not held by others, or by Life, as written in stone. They are an attempt to create, without complete knowledge, with only a belief in outcome, the desire. And yes, a course taken may call for re-commitments as experience is gained. Even the commitment to survive can be overcome by overwhelming circumstance. A commitment is still a wonderful thing and it enriches the life and inspires others. Taking a chance on life takes courage, resolve, and patience. But no matter the outcome, our brother, life continues. New opportunities are presented.

Now, understanding this, a change in the commitment should not be taken as failure with self-recrimination. One may re-commit, with a new understanding. Can you really condemn anyone who commits to improving their life, yet stumbles in the process? Isn’t that what life is all about? Agreeing to incarnate and navigate life does not hold guarantees, but a chance. Engage what you may with the understanding you have and your resources, but the outcomes pale in worth to the willingness to try.

Enrich your satisfaction with this understanding. Be patient with yourself, even as Life is. Namaste.

July 1, 2015                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross