Understanding focusing

JANU: We are rationalizing, then, thought that strays somewhat randomly with the focusing purpose illusively sought by many. What we mean by this is the organization of random thought bringing greater clarity and stability in the midst of creativity. On the one hand, random thought is healthy potential in exploring life but, without organization and focus, thought is skimming along the surface of more profound understanding. These journeys we take, our brother, demonstrate this. Any path of inquiry you find interesting, or are drawn to, can be explored more deeply with revelations that are principles of life, enhancing the process of exploration.

Explore life not as a vagabond, but as an integrated partner with its vastness and diversity. And make no mistake, our brother, life is exploring you as well. In time you will learn to explore meaning and purpose of any of your endeavors, relationships, connections, and goals. Many are ready to explore life more deeply, our brother. Learn the art of focusing and share it with those who inquire into their own understandings and perceptions.

July 8, 2015 B                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross