JANU: Music, then, as communication must be understood in a different way than just entertainment. It is, after all, vibration and vibration takes many forms. What responds to vibration in the human being on various levels? By various attributes, the physical body does, emotions do, visual sense does, hearing does, and even taste can be influenced. How is this transmitted to meaning, understanding? Repetition of particular experience with each vibration is a beginning. Audible words influence in this way, which are vibration, patterns, with repetition associated with particular meaning, begins language communication. Art can influence in this way, as well. Music does, as well. Vibrational communication becomes more complex by employing several of these at once, in combination, forming patterns once more.
It is possible in consciousness, energetically, to stimulate in this way, once associations are made by the receiver and the sender. When this is accomplished, proximity physically becomes less important or necessary. But this takes practice. A kind of telepathy. Deception and ambiguity are more easily detected and more difficult to convey. Direct knowing can also be direct experiencing, to include meaning, intent, emotion, pain or pleasure, many human perceptions, that of animals as well, and other creatures. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross