Living a graceful life

JANU:    This morning’s journey sees humanity in a larger way, not just in personalities, behavior, egos, and the self-created conflicts, but in the peace and freedom to be they nurture within. Humanity has within their potential graceful living, generosity, the capacity to transcend all the limitations of incarnate life, many of which are perceived in a very limited way. Humanity has the capacity for perfect health at all times, a longevity of their choosing. Their True Natures are eternal, so can the thoughts be, also.

Needs for living can be met in a more profound way through creative manifesting, postulation, and the nurturing of the Earth, not by altering Nature, but by allowing the body to adapt to it harmoniously. The processing of foods leaves much to be desired. The understanding that natural vitality in vegetation is what needs preserving on the way to the marketplace, you see. Unpolluted air and, yes, pure water, these are not miracles of understanding. They are well-known but ignored for the sake of profits. The obsession with power, by way of economics, is an illusion of power.

A larger view of life, destiny, potential, and its wonders is within the capability of humanity. The sharing of those who can perceive a brighter future can change perspective for those who may need a nudge into their greatness. Loving all you can be and the life that affords it is a worthy focus. Humanity’s destiny includes all of this. Reflect this in each day and the changes will come. There is genius within you. Embrace it. Namaste.

Aug. 8, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross