Integrity on the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey speaks of the relationship between human consciousness and super-consciousness. “What is meant by this?” you ask. Super-consciousness being that of the complete True Nature of each one, which is at one with the Truth of Life. Awakening to this means the integrity of the True Nature of the being merges into one consciously.

The integrity of who you are, which is so important to you, is developed naturally in the human oriented mind. The human mind builds a foundation of essential integrity, the elements of which transcend confusion, disillusion, and doubts. Integrity means you stand in your own truth, which is changing, evolving, maturing, but it is your truth and is a foundation for confidence to continue. So a valid question at times is: What is your truth? How familiar are you with it? How much do you own it?

The power to create is enhanced and its integrity maintained by the foundation we speak of here, for creation occurs after the order of natural integrity, the purity and focus of your own thought. The principle of creating is not based upon scope or magnitude, if you will, for the principles of life apply regardless. Understand thoroughly your principles of integrity, your desires to evolve and awaken and to serve life. Become ever more clear on these.

Key ingredients to awakening, our brother. Always reach for truth, even as your understanding evolves. Namaste.

Aug. 19, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross