Our achievements are blessings for everyone

JANU: Much of what humanity has created to this point is based on fear. Much of the rest is based upon integrity and a belief in the sanctity of life and the needs of others. Would that individuals could perceive the collective reality of the human journey. Life is complex, in the sense that many realities co-exist and, you might say, bump into each other from time to time.

Rational mind prefers linear thinking and life to behave in this way. But it is not. Your own evolution is not. Your own thought processes are seldom that way. So, to understand your journey in life, when seen in this way, brings greater tolerance, forgiveness, and patience with the course of your own life and those of others.

Life is fluid and changing, elements modifying each other. Even our relationship is not fixed and evolves through change and experience and deepening understanding. Humanity would fare well to relate to each other in this way. A tight grip on any part of life will limit you and eventually challenge you. Moving with the flow of life has the same complexities, but when in the flow you change to meet them. Your innate nature, our brother, is intended and designed to succeed, to continue, to explore, to understand, and to support life.

Peace is more powerful than struggle and it is possible to struggle while at peace. The longer range the planning, the anticipation of what you will meet and what you will be will not hold the answers for you, our brother. But a growing consciousness and intimacy with life this very moment opens the door.

Trust in your insights. They will come. Trust in the power and the presence of life itself. It is always with you. Trust in the spirit of another, born of the one life as are you. Be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. It is a blessing for others as well, for we are all resources for each other. Namaste.

Sept. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross