The role of identity

JANU:   Identity, the exploration of, is an attachment to variations on a reality. Personal identity can expand beyond the manifestation of a singularity, life beyond that limitation. Identity reaches into the depths of the mystery of Life when it encounters borders, one thing versus another in description and purpose. The nature of which succumbs to limitation under the perception of diversity, differences, isolated existence for the purpose of exploring the depth of life patterns.

Let us reach then into the so-called mysteries of Life, understanding their nature, their coexistence, that which builds opportunities and challenges of discovery and realization. The fluid nature of reality allows for constant flow, change, combining, reconstruction, dissolution, and enrichment. Owning in consciousness in this manner reinvigorates openness to discovery, the possibility of complexities and interactions, starting over, re-examination, stirring the pot of Life, so to speak. Timelessness  when realized is reality where realizing its reality allows for deeper exploration of possibilities and existence. Re-incorporation of past journeys into new relationships and new adventures invigorates life as never before on any path of discovery.

We reach into these things to understand, to gain wisdom, to refine meanings. Why not, then, incorporate these into a scheme of life of constant evolution, depth, and new purpose? In other words, explore Life as far as it will take you into timelessness. Namaste.
Apr. 23, 2024                                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The question of identity and identity shifting is a recurrent one. Two other journeys most related to this one are Mastering the Many Faces of Identity (LINK) and The What and Why of Identity. A compilation of journeys on this topic is Identity within Awakening