A commitment to Life

JANU:   Encompassing possibilities in awakening, in engagement, in outcomes at many times feels like wondering about not only potential but today. Let us assume, then, that as potentials they are real and Life is the source of them all. So, how does one then engage any one of these and bring about a clear understanding as to their nature, availability, and status?

It is done so by a commitment to Life and to its fulfillment. The chips will fall and be fertilized by these commitments. And, of course, opportunities engaged in sprout new ones and life goes on. But its portrait evolves as Life renews and the opportunities flow. Committing to Life dissipates fears, distrust, anxieties, doubts. The focus is commitment to Life’s unfoldment and enrichment. It fills the empty spaces.

So, make a commitment to knowing, to discovering, to overcoming, to growing, to expanding, to succeeding, and to wisdom. Love it all into your life, now.  Namaste.
May 15, 2024                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross