Miracles within everyone

JANU: You are understanding the nature of our relationship, in fact your entire being—or should we say, the entire being—more clearly. This transition in consciousness from individualized human to a larger being with a number of aspects that exist in oneness is a beginning understanding of the model of creation. Many components of existence yet still one, co-existing as one. And more to come, our brother.

This is a beginning, realizing that the concepts you form from the interpretation of insights are in flux as more is revealed and understood and experienced. Misperceptions will occur, to be revealed and improved. To some this may seem a complex and miraculous journey, but for you it’s a comparative beginning to what is to come: the understanding and experience of all that you are.

Many you observe in their behavior in life seem to you ages away from these realizations, but remember, for each one the turning around symbol reminds you of the possibility of a complete shift, a turn around in their lives, moving in a new direction. Part of the magic of the journey of life is this phenomenon of complete reversal of course into a new direction. All changes are not plodding, so to speak, but can become quantum leaps in self-realization. Hope in your thoughts and visions is potential for each one.

One sojourn does not define you. Your ever-evolving True Nature does, and even that is changing. Humanity has exhibited many miracles and will continue to do so. How can it not be, with a future that is so bright? It only takes a moment to turn your thoughts around and redirect your life. See each one you meet with potential for miracles. They will happen, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 13, 2015                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross