Time and timelessness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each step, each achievement in understanding the natural path of awakening. These subtle movements are more profound than you know. Very subtle but powerful. The finite human measuring stick of a sojourn produces a sense of racing against time to achieve dreams and goals. A larger perspective of life and existence tempers this, realizing that the journey is not limited to one sojourn. It goes on and on.

Time and timelessness coexist in their domains of realization. Allow timelessness to bring a sense of peace as one walks through life. Many of our achievements together are not new to your experience but are being enhanced by reliving them. Balance and clarity, focus, peace, willingness, ‘allowing’ allows a flow of life through you without turbulence, the restrictions of frustration, impatience, forcing and willfulness. Some have a sense that these elements of impatience bring a sense of purpose, control, ‘aliveness,’ when, in fact, their purpose is limiting and self-defeating.

We speak of the power to create. To create what, in what manner, and with what result? Your life is more powerful and productive, meaningful, when all that you are is in harmony, cooperation, synergism. Timelessness, unlimited mind, open heart, joy in living, love of self and others, understanding, united within your consciousness, within your being, is a wonderful journey. Be in peace, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 22, 2015                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross