Uplifting others

JANU: Exploring at this time spheres of influence, putting this into perspective, let us observe human spheres of influence. Many have a limited view of this, not realizing their full potential. Mingling in public, so to speak, is your model privacy, separation, or do you sense those around you on multiple levels? What energy pattern are you focused in, and what do you radiate? Many exercise their power of influence but not always in a loving way. And whether you are aware of it or not, you radiate your consciousness. On certain levels of energy, proximity is not a limiting factor.

And what about your being influenced by the radiation of others? There is a reciprocal relationship as well, mostly unconscious. You have noticed that, with some, there is seemingly a dark cloud around them and you tend to withdraw and avoid. With others, there is a lightness, an upliftment being near them, being aware of them. Everyone radiates consciousness. Being genuinely at peace and, more than that, a loving tone uplifts those around you, and without knowing the cause of this, they benefit.

What we are suggesting here is a service to life, to others, that brings great reward for everyone. Your service is multiplied in ways and numbers hard to imagine. Spend a day walking through life among people, and yes, the creatures of the world, with a simple tone of upliftment, peace, and happiness. This is not interference, our brother. This is a benefit to everyone. Allow your being to help lift those around you in freedom. Namaste.

Sept. 24, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross