The beauty of life

JANU: Let there be, then, a noble and defining thought that expresses the will of the being, the entire being, as a single entity in a life of collective consciousness, vast and diverse. And this thought includes the beauty of the system called “life.”

How can such a system of life emerge from the creative spark or thrust of Life? How can a system that works so well, and continues since the beginning, not be a thing of beauty? When viewing life in this way, even as part of it, perspective changes from the smaller reality of human conflicts and some ignorance into the more eternal thoughts of the flow of life and its magic. The potential of any consciousness to be more. Life is a beautiful system that self-regenerates, re-invents, re-models, explores its potential in so many realities. One can begin to grasp the meaning of ‘eternal life’ and what makes it eternal, yet still at one with the minutia of the moment. Oneness is reality and it lives in everything, everyone, every reality.

A growing awareness of connection with all of life is a miracle in itself. A conscious rational mind that incarnate life utilizes is wonderful yet limited. To appreciate and experience the beauty of life in everything one must become more conscious and aware of the totality of their being, and the beauty of being so much more than just human but includes human, which is part of the flow of life. Life is freedom, beyond the constructs humanity imposes on its life. The rules of society, including spirituality, cannot contain the beauty we speak of. See not just the people around you and their lifestyles. Begin to see the beauty in their existence and their potential. Everything makes life richer and becomes your heritage as well.

You talk of peace. It is behind everything. All of it born of love. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross