Conscious Self-Integration

JANU: In a previous sojourn the call for this understanding was born. Conscious self-integration deals with identity shifting to include all that you are. Now, this has enormous implications and is a power to be patiently and carefully applied. Can be counter-productive for identity to shift this much without preparation or patience, for there is much to learn and experience during this process. Mastering life is a worthy pursuit, but experiencing and managing its opportunities is critical. So is the motive to escape the challenges or to live, experience, and master them? These are questions you must ask yourself and be honest about.

Awakening is not to be used for avoidance but for mastership, service, and a growing love of life. Is the path of your endeavor truly to enrich life? Conscious self-integration becomes a blessing. Being conscious, while incarnate, of all that you are carries enormous responsibility, for you have an enormous ability to respond.

We encourage the pursuit of this with guidance, honest introspection. Allow this to settle in, to revisit it again. Namaste.

Nov. 17, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross