Living larger than human

JANU: You inquire as to the nature and content of an incarnate life while conscious as something more, of your True Nature. Many new abilities will be reserved for the wisest opportunity to employ. Most of the journey will be spent awakening to more and the wisdom that lives within it. Your associations beyond the Earth will increase, as well as those on the Earth. The creatures of the world will be known to you, and they will welcome your presence, for you will help enrich their lives. There will be those ready to learn more and so will you.

Life is rich with these kinds of opportunities. The True Natures of each one, including the creatures of the world, have their agenda to enrich their experience, to evolve. Your role will be to assist when requested, in harmony with life. You will learn of others well practiced in this, and capable of much more.

Learning and serving is continuous reality, always evolving. To describe what you ask is only a moment of understanding, for everything foretold is changing. Part of the wonder of life is not knowing in advance what is in store, yet embracing the future, continuing on, engaging life and serving as you may. What is the alternative but darkness, chaos, frustration? Leaving all of these behind for what they are, choose wisdom, freedom, and love. True power, true peace, true being. Namaste.

Jan. 6, 2016

Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross