A perspective on security

JANU: We are focusing this evening on the security that so many are concerned with in their lives. Security speaks to people in many different ways, mostly survival, the reliability of same, personal economy, family, and well-being. The security we focus on this evening has to do with beliefs, nature, laws of life, and peace. Even these are appraised with unchanging perception.

True security, our brother, is the ongoingness of your nature, your True Nature. The physical existence is always temporary, yet if this is all you are conscious of, it is your whole world and describes your security. The current weather situation challenges this, causes many to wonder.

Balance the perceived needs of the physical existence with the reality that you cannot die. The death of the body has occurred many times, yet here you are. Not easy to own this and find peace in it, if your identity is limited to the human journey. These journeys we take together, our brother, speak of the larger life, a larger reality, a larger understanding that includes the human experience, even though temporary.

Enjoy the moment. Make the most of it you may, but with a balanced view and values that include many possibilities. Live in the Now and own who you are. Namaste.

Jan. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross