Appreciating the value of each element of life

JANU:    How is it, then, that humanity needs encouragement to embrace the larger life of which the Earth life is a part? It is the nature of evolution, our brother, that element of life that is subject to so many influences yet, at the same time, has a destiny. This is not just a time/space issue, you see, or influence. But one must consider from the larger point of view the countless elements of existence that touch each other. The destiny of any species, and its evolution, does not occur in isolation. The inspirations that we offer are part of this larger tapestry of life, not the only influence or inspiration but part of many. As many individuals that exist, whether conscious incarnate or not, there are constant elements of evolution at play. Even a passing thought, our brother, of interest plays a role. These journeys we take and have compiled are only part of a larger movement of life, and even they are created by so many influences, beings, circumstance, interactions.

So, describing awakening, evolution, and destiny in words is futile. Even the perception of these is limited. So the question becomes: why proceed? Because these elements of life, our brother, are part of the magic that is life and consciousness is raised in so many ways. So compare not any contribution to the raising of consciousness to any other. You proceed because it serves life, without requiring to see the whole picture, you see. The whole picture exists, and is evolving, but each piece of the puzzle is as important as any other to complete the picture. Everything is of value.

The larger life is not defined by time/space. That is only part of it and it all coexists and is one. It is difficult for the human oriented consciousness, conditioned by society, to see everything as of equal value. Learn to perceive, to appreciate the value of any part of life on its own merit, without comparison. A peaceful way to live, free of judgement, condemnation, diminished value. Everything matters, our brother, at all times. On this foundation, explore life, every journey, every encounter, every endeavor. Namaste.

July 7, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.