True Power

JANU: The next in this series on Associations and Collaborations has to do with the diminishing power of circumstance, external influences, over the growing power of consciousness, of being. This would seem a trade-off, undesirable by many who bask themselves in the illusions of their power, the power of their influences over others. It begs the question, “What is the nature of power? Is there more than one concept of power?”

When dealing with others in circumstances and relationships human, there is a tendency, a component, of the thoughts and attitudes of having advantage as the result of a relationship, of gaining some kind of power. In the larger life, one has little need of this, in fact, no need, for the reality of power exists within the being, in harmony with the power of the flow of life, its expansive reality, all pervasive presence, and the reality of being one with everything. What physical or human perception of power is of more value? It depends upon the scope and nature of your world, what you have chosen.

When engaging, exploring the larger life, these are not your concerns. Your desire is to understand, be part of in a positive way the vitality and expansion of life, the continuation, the evolution, the enrichment. This power, our brother, is the epitome of peace. No fear of laws as with the human perception. No fear of disadvantage. In fact, concern is for the well-being and enrichment of the rest of life, other beings, other consciousnesses. For you live a life where all of these are part of you.

The purpose of this morning’s journey is the development of a consciousness that intertwines beautifully with this larger reality, and realities of life yet to be imagined. Many speak of love and its many interpretations. The love we speak of includes all and allows all life to be. It finds value in everything, for it is part of everything and, through this, you are as well.

Learn of, understand, embrace, and be True Power. The human misinterpretation or illusion of power is part of this larger life as well, but it is limited. You are moving beyond these limitations, rejecting nothing, embracing everything with your own true integrity and True Nature. Stand in your truth and love all of life, allowing that peace to grow within you. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 11, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.