Inspiration to an awakened life

JANU: We are putting together then an announcement to bring hope to the millions who journey in their own way of awakening. Let it be known that the larger life is keenly aware of all of these. No one awakens alone. Their journeys in life are known, encouraged, supported, and to varying degrees guided. The larger Family of Life is more than just an unknown number of beings, but life in motion everywhere, in every reality.

To all who endeavor, be of good cheer. The unawakened life has no hold over you. The seeming insignificance of the moment of social activities and interests are part of a much larger reality. Vision, wisdom, strength, understanding is at your fingertips, so to speak. Be enthusiastic and confident that there is more of life in store for you. The seeming ignorance of national leaders, politicians, legalities, and, yes, even religion as practiced have no hold over you save what you give them.

The John Lennon song “Imagine” speaks volumes and is inspiring. Find peace and joy that the larger life is real, everywhere around you and in you. Open the doors of your consciousness to these realities and enter. Namaste.

July 12, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.