JANU: We are Janu speaking, peace being the theme for this journey. The unrest in the lives of so many is self-perpetuating and loud in the experience, drowning out the miracle of peace. The real power in life is peace, not frustration and anger. See, then, awakening as a journey into peace and, on that journey, discover its true meaning. Even in the presence of violence, troubling emotions, peace is a resource to re-establish harmony, cooperation, and collaboration. Remove yourself from concern about deprivation, unfulfilled dreams, longings founded in a sense of lack, and focus more upon life’s abundance. And life is abundant, our brother. Every breath, every heartbeat, progression of thought and understanding, miracles of opportunity, the courage and endurance to engage them, the unending gaining of wisdom, compassion and service. These are the hallmarks of peace, our brother.
The awakening journey is not something separate from incarnate life; it is part of it. The frustrated mind tends to see life as becoming full of challenges and obstacles, unfulfilled ambitions, growing almost daily. This misplaced attention does not see miracles around them, the opportunities within them, and the inherent richness of the resource of life to engage them. Realize, our brother, that each one is an agent of life, a specimen of life, and, yes, a jewel in that tapestry. Awakening brings this to the consciousness to see the truth of this and the magic that comes with it. Be not a magician lacking in anything. Anticipate and relish the next demonstration of the magic within you.
The life that you are is capable of so much more. In the sense of this reality, you already are all you can be. Unmanifest potential is potential nonetheless. Without awareness or consciousness of this, where do your dreams and goals and ambitions come from? What is their source? Achievements begin with a vision, an idea, an impression, a spark of awareness of a possibility and what it affords. You are already these. Become aware of them. Remember: what your attention is on, you are connected to. Put your attention upon who you truly are and all that that means.
One of the markers, the expression of this reality is happiness, at peace, no longer identified as being alone in life but as part of it, at one with it, integrated into the larger family of life, mutually beneficial. These words of encouragement may fall on deaf ears but there are those beginning to listen, for their own True Natures are part of this message. So, listen, our brother, with your mind, your heart, your true being, for life is speaking in so many ways. One need only listen. Life has always been speaking to everyone. Learning to listen and understand is part of awakening. Allow yourself the richness that it brings. And namaste, all.
Aug. 8, 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.