Why do we exist?

JANU: The subject today is self-realization, understanding that ‘self’ also refers to Life itself. The pursuit to knowledge, consciousness, evolution, creativity, loving, building, relationships, mutual support and service, these elements of life encourage their continuation. The question you raise is “Why? What’s the motivator? What is the purpose of awakening more and more, to what?”

The simple truth, our brother, is that the Source of Life, of which everyone is a part and is patterned from, has an imperative to realize itself through its potential and manifestation for reality exists in even larger ways than this, our brother. Your reality of existence, as you are understanding, is not just as a human being but as a spiritual being, of which there are countless others. But all of this represents collective life, and even it has a source reality that began it all. “Began” not being appropriate here. That is a human term based on time/space. So how does one embrace infinity, eternity, continued reality of that which has no beginning? These movements in consciousness, these imperatives to evolve, to ask questions and seek answers are issues that are larger than finite purposes. Your consciousness is experimenting, it is exploring with incarnate life, but it’s still life, our brother. Micro- and macrocosm are one. Their purpose, their achievements are one. Being in the flow of life speaks to this.

The answer to your questions are larger than the questions, you see, but are inherent in them. The pursuit to understand, experience, and gain wisdom is a manifestation of self-realization, not only for you but for Life itself. Who can answer the questions: What is it? What is all that you can be, and why do you want to know? Why begin the journey? Because you are Life realizing all that it can be, which is an expression of all that it is. The wonders that arise from these pursuits describe the magic of life. What greater journey is there, our brother, than to be one with all that can be? Welcome to who you are. Namaste.
Aug. 25, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.