New ideas and social consciousness

JANU: We are elaborating on the subject of the awakening process as pertains to social consciousness. Society is an interesting concept, for it includes relationships, not only externally between each other, but internally within the nature of the being. In similar fashion, our brother, these descriptors have their counterpart in our relationships as well. We are not all the same. As with humanity, diversity is a strength. Diversity in all of life makes life strong, endurable, and evolutionarily successful.

But human diversity while incarnate is a complex matter. Many elements of diversity do not survive in the human social reality, by reason of not being understood or relateable. How many new genius thoughts, unique, find their place in society? And how many do not? But for those with the larger view, there is plenty of time and opportunity for these new ideas to find fertile ground and to prosper. Even within those groups, those professions that endeavor to embrace new concepts, there are those with social traditional values that are reluctant to embrace an idea they do not understand yet.

Envision a society, then, that gives fair consideration to all new ideas, whether for current or future application. When an old idea seems to still be working effectively, why change it? Because life evolves, no matter the idea. Not all new ideas are easy transitions of change, for return on investment in traditions weighs heavily upon moving on. The awakening consciousness more easily sees past this—or should we say, through it—for it can project changes into future possibilities that are grander, more profound, and productive.

Difficult challenges for the incarnate human mind, but consider carefully a growing flexibility in your consciousness. When someone’s view seems to challenge your own, be patient and listen carefully. Understand greatly the flow of life and move with it. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 27, 2016                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 12 contains all prior attunements in this series.