The balance of giving and receiving

JANU:    What we serve at this time is each other, in the sense of the balance of giving and receiving. It is the natural order of life, the in breath and the out breath, the giving and receiving. It is how life flows. Too often it is misunderstood or rendered imbalanced through the human passion born of individual preference and perception of need. We serve today the simplicity, the beauty, and the art of giving and receiving as co-existing reality, in such a way as to realize its true essence is not two things at all, but that which some call life’s love.

Any time you have the perception that you are giving separate from receiving, you are imbalanced. While your attention may be on serving another, what is it that serves them but that which you receive? Many who are in need from one point of view are those who have lost their balance or equilibrium in the true nature of giving and receiving. For in this truth there is no lack, there is no darkness to the spirit. This natural reality expresses in the fullness of its beauty when it is constant. And when it is, the duality of giving and receiving becomes one. To the degree you sense one over the other, you express imbalance. This does not mean life has ceased. The experience that comes with this balance might be called “presence,” for in that truth life is omnipresent.

Now, when you observe a creation or manifestation having beginning or end, this does not refute the balance of which we speak, for this balance of giving and receiving into a finer truth serves the journey of the creation that it realize its full expression of its beauty. Find this equilibrium within you and touch the life that is before you with it.

Return to this theme in your service opportunities and observe enhancement of the service. Namaste.
March 25, 1998 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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