Creation, creativity, and potential

JANU: We are Janu speaking, born then of the desire not just to know but to be, to experience, to create. Let there be a manifestation of the unfoldment of potential of life, the perpetual existence of what can be. We reach into these things to bring light to them, that others may find interest, for experience is gained on that which is but it continues on that which comes. And that which comes is manifested through experience and wisdom of that which is. See not these two perspectives as strangers, but two sides of the same coin, directly connected. The changes to come, the new realizations, are one with that which has been realized.

Only superficially does one leave that which is behind to make way for the new. A deeper understanding transcends this. There is one life, which includes everything. Only your attention wanders, the focus of your desires, for duality mind is shaped this way. But superconscious mind is one with everything. And both of these realities are yours.

Realizing potential employs this path of union. Let there be, then, patience with, acceptance with the full range of being. Creativity is not separate from that which has been created and the Life behind both. Be more balanced in perspective. Past, present, and future are one. They are the one Life. Be at peace, our brother. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2016                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Dual incarnation experience

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        Can dual incarnations occur at the same time and can one experience the memories of another?

JANU:    What we see in response to this question is: yes, our brother, it is possible and, in your case, this is what is happening. However, be alert to the privacy, the integrity, and the life path of the other, which is not your own. Being aware is one thing. Interfering is another, and we would have none of this. Our purpose this evening is to respond to your question, bringing you enlightenment and peace of mind. Not to connect you with the other prematurely.

Your True Nature benefits from multiple sojourns. Bringing a balance between the two paths of experiences culminates in an experience and wisdom that enriches. It is possible, our brother, for the True Nature to divide into two incarnations, usually one female, the other male, and usually not at the same time but sometimes this occurs. The other part of your True Nature is female in this incarnation and her name is ***. Not for the purpose of tracking down—unwise at the moment—but for attuning to but not interfering with. At times life works in this way. And yes, she is aware of your presence but respects your integrity and the wisdom of right timing.

So, for the time being, benefit from any insights, scenarios, thoughts, and wisdom that come your way. Be at peace about this, our brother. It is a natural situation. This once again demonstrates you are not alone in life. Namaste.

June 30, 2014 B                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.



JANU: We entertain an interest in the wisdom of music. Let us foretell then that the role of music in human consciousness and the merging of the spiritual nature is more profound than one might realize. In time, individuals can become aware of rhythms and toning generated by their own spiritual nature, not limited to the compositions of others. These experiences in harmony go beyond the limits of physical hearing and exist within thoughts and emotions as well as vibratory response to the cells of the body. ‘Music of the spheres’ alludes to this. The Symphony of Life is indeed a symphony, our brother.

In time, this will enter into communication with others, including other species. Far more complete language, more revealing than words. In time, you can be aware of the music of others; the song, so to speak, constantly in change. Yes, it is the universal language, our brother, but not the only one. One can begin to share this with others when finding it within yourself. They need not understand the details, the structures, in order to have a good feeling and a measure of happiness and a measure of peace.

All creatures respond to this, and their own music. Learn to communicate with life in this way, including those who are disturbed and not at peace. Namaste.

Feb.9, 2016                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Changes and wisdom and vision

JANU: We are enumerating today the climate of change that persists in the nation’s political scene. What we see here is a rejection of insanity, which describes the politics in recent years, rejection without a clear solution. Those candidates riding on the coattails of this change do not carry the wisdom to move forward and they will be shaken out through trial and error. Ones who will emerge to carry forward this change into sanity are yet to be on the scene. But the genius of the public will persist.

Other countries face this challenge as well but in a quieter way. Human consciousness, collectively, demands change but the vision is yet to manifest. Religion too faces this, still created and managed by imperfect human motivation and the quest for power. But changes are coming, our brother, envisioned by those who do not desire to be in the public eye, realizing they can do more behind the scenes. Wisdom is not noisy, our brother. True Power has a different model of existence. Life shakes itself out from time to time to make way for revolution in consciousness and a better life.

So the answers are not in the public eye but consciousness connected with the larger life and a clearer vision, founded in integrity and the fundamental principles of life. Open your consciousness to these visions, these models of life. Be inspired by what is to come. Be in harmony with your integrity and the larger life. Namaste.

Feb. 9, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Fulfilling that begun previously

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. This individual happens to be the wife of the person whose questions were posted yesterday.

Q:   What is to be my role in the scheme of things to come? I am a spiritual healer and counselor and have been told by spirit that I have the ability to communicate with them. I have also experienced astral travel.

JANU: We have with us this afternoon those that accompany, or their representatives, not only this one who inquires this afternoon but the entire family, you see, for their counterparts in what they call the spirit world serve their collective reality as a unit. The question offered being the same as the mate’s demonstrates a unity of interest.

As to our response to the inquiring, we shall begin announcing that this one connects with the tradition of knowingness highlighted by her connection with another world. There are many who have come at this time to the Earth environment to practice their skills developed elsewhere. This one so comes to her station in life with this integrity in her beingness.

She inquires as to her role in the scheme of life to come. We would announce at this time that, dear one, you are being prepared for the understanding that you seek and its reality. The one who serves with you, your mate, comes to support that preparation. The daughter of your knowing does as well. Realize that her knowingness and life path holds another set of opportunities, unique in their way. You are fortunate indeed for such partners in life, for they bring such stability that supports your achievement in focused connection with the destiny of your choosing as a fully conscious being.

What we are presenting here is a foundation for understanding that minimizes the distractions in thought and in attention that can confuse your focus. There is a tradition of excellence afforded and embodied by those who serve with you from the unseen. Unseen by many, but not by all. Your direct communication with those of your spirit knowingness will begin as you achieve a glimmering of understanding that unites you with the embrace of your true nature and your Egyptian heritage of ancient times. We see a continuation here of the purpose of your true being and its manifestation in the Egyptian setting and before. There is an ancient reality of the truth of the heritage of the Egyptian legacy that remains a mystery to most.

Your service to life has been, in large measure, discarnate as well as in embodiment. We suggest this path of exploration to stimulate memory and excite the connection with the source of your being, which is who you truly are, dear one. Fulfill your destiny in this way that you have chosen. Be not dissuaded by those who preach discouragement and disbelief. Trust in that which lives within you and touches your heart and encourages you. There are many in the world today facing such challenge to stand in the integrity of their own truth. Many assist you, for many are served by your journey.

Thank you, our sister, for this opportunity to greet you and to know your light. We are the Brotherhood of Light and bid you good afternoon. Namaste.

July 13, 1999 BE                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For more inquiries along these lines, see Life Purpose

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Your power is in your choice

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. See next post for similar question with a different response.

  1.   What is to be my role in the scheme of things to come?
  2.   I have regular contact with our spirit guides. I am astral traveling with no control over the destination.

JANU: Let us move straight away with this inquiry from one who comes to us so prepared as to bring with him an entourage describing the conditions and circumstances of his existence as relate to his inquiry. By this we mean, he is encumbered with certain obligations of his choosing that describe his journey of intent in this life. These ones who represent this in him bring about a sense of lacking or need in the consciousness to be fulfilled. We suggest at this time that he consider this in his searchings and this will bring about a connection uniting the limits of the void or missing understanding.

This quest is best resolved in the fuller embrace of the true nature that originated the desire, the intent, for this sojourn, for that is what one satisfies, not the pronouncements of those who observe and attempt to assist. The discovery of the inner dream brings with it the true magic of life that electrifies and invigorates your entire being. The full power of the creative flow issues forth and life obeys this command, for it speaks with the authority of that which created life in the first place, you see. What we are getting at here, dear one, is the reclaiming of your true power. The destiny of each is realized in this way and it is the most complete and connected path of realization.

For we who speak to suggest to you “You will be this, or your will be that” bypasses and disempowers the miracle of this living path of discovery. What we do offer is the encouragement to take that journey. You do have purpose, dear one, but your purpose is fulfilled when it is engaged as a complete consciousness. The human personality ego alone cannot fulfill it. It can, if you will, nibble at it, but the times are passed for that.

Of course, we can see who you are in your many journeys. For example, you have been a leader of sorts on three worlds. Your most recent acquisition of life sojourn, other than this one, was in a Tibetan monastery, attempting to achieve resolution of the science of Earth with that of the science of pure being. We would have you know that resolution took place, to a degree.

You have been active in many venues and are well rounded in a variety of disciplines, some of which include the discipline of projection which you have described in your inquiry. However, we would suggest that this practice be tempered with a larger understanding of the spectrum of life and not be seen as an end unto itself, for the balance you achieved in your Tibetan journey could be of little assistance for that duration.

As to your inquiry, what we offer at this time is the understanding that your so-called role in the future scheme of things is not described well by any one element of your experience thus far, for you have wide ranging experiences that command a role in life of your choosing that will lead to victories beyond your current understanding. Get to know the truth of who you are and live in that way, as you awaken to the destiny you have chosen for this life. It is our joy to walk with you, in a manner of speaking, on your path, the character and nature of which is recognized by you as you achieve measurable, undeniable sovereignty in your understanding and in your choices.

Be true to who you truly are and all else will be added in a perfect way. Namaste, our brother. We are Janu and the Brotherhood of Light speaking at this time.

July 13, 1999 A                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For more inquiries along these lines see Life Purpose

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


One Voice

The journeying process is an evolution into existing as one with the True Nature. Thus, ‘speaking with one voice’ has been a focus of this endeavor. This is the first public discussion of that concept directly.

JANU: Speaking with one voice is a significant reality, merging as one. One voice means the collective consciousness, the combined consciousness, is in harmony and listening balances with the speaking. Accomplishing this and developing this advantages everyone who chooses it. It is not a loss of individuality or identity; it is a gaining of a more complete identity, a more complete consciousness, and a more complete ability to communicate what is.

The ideal here is Truth as realized; truth measured by the results of application to your life. We are not suggesting that this truth is final in any way, for even truth evolves, our brother, grows, develops, enriches, expands, and deepens. It is a measure of the larger life, the eternal life always in motion. One voice, then, understood as the essence of all that you are. It is related to the reality of the Now, the moment, the essence of being, of life. Truth does not suggest ‘The Truth.’ ‘The Truth’ implies finality, absolute, immutable. Truth is life in motion, powered by love in the nature of everything. It is fluid, adaptable, changing, and essential. It has an unfixed dynamic purity. It is the one voice of life.

Listen to your True Nature and the True Nature of everything around you, for everything has its truth, our brother. And truth is infinitely varied and all encompassing in its diversity. So be of one voice, in a peace-filled life and continue on in its flow. Namaste.

Feb. 4, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey in memories reveals the struggles of humanity to survive, to grow and prosper while incarnate. The questions that have arisen due to this review of memories are the reason for the veil, the wisdom of it, and the growth in consciousness beyond the need for it, the role of religion, and the laws of the land. All of this was brought about to help ensure the maintenance of the inherent integrity and dignity of consciousness, of the True Nature, of the spiritual being. A life without these models of understanding and integrity clearly leads to chaos and self-destruction. But the temporary measures of social order and religion, philosophy, theosophy are meant to be grown beyond, as building blocks.

The veil reveals, through experience while influenced by it, of the need for integrity and order, and the freedom to be and explore life’s potential. Not in chaos and destructive patterns, for life in the physical is a duality of this, re-creation through destruction, the tearing down and the building up, the confusion and the clarity that comes from experience, direct observation. How many would continue with this experience, our brother, without the veil? The veil is an opportunity to mature through experience, with a desire to see more clearly, to understand, to realize potential. Little by little, the veil is needed less and less, as the understanding comes and the mastery of life. Religions are part of this as well, although misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misapplied. Original design and intent is lost through time, so they too decay, making room for a freshness and greater clarity. Part of the path of awakening, our brother.

All of this serves the true purpose of life. Part of the awakening of humanity, proclaiming its true state and growing spiritual maturity. For the adventures are endless. The gifts of the journey are unfathomable all at once. So as you survey and explore life, keep this in mind to maintain perspective and appreciate the magic of it all, the gift of it all, the achievements yet to come, especially as humanity begins to discover and connect with other life forms, other worlds, other consciousnesses. The larger Family of Life is on its doorstep. Be at peace, our brother. All is well. Namaste.

Feb. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Activation of new DNA

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only in understanding life’s development and progression.

Q: Is having the DNA strands from Sirius and also the Pleaides significant to my being at this time?

JANU: Her inquiry as to DNA strands in the human physical vehicle, whether influenced from Sirius, Pleaides, or anywhere else, is a misinterpretation in the sense that the strands do not come from there at this time. They are in you, dear one, and have been for some time.

Now, as to the manifestation of these and their influence upon the system physical, as support vehicle for the expression of, and demonstration of consciousness advancement. These additions, extensions, or evolutions of this marker system in your genetic code comes to the fore at this time to varying degrees depending upon the presence of the light of consciousness in each. These codes of which you speak are by design at an earlier time. The evolution of your DNA code structure is a design intent of the planners of your world and others, you see. This is a natural and common occurrence in species across the universe. It is not an external introduction to your beingness, although, as you term it, external support may play a role from time to time of encouragement, monitoring, and determinations of outcome. The new codes are yours, dear one, and always have been.

What then to think of and how to respond to these developments might be the question. Each code, each marker, has a correlation to the ability of the physical vehicle to accommodate and distribute finer energies, subtler consciousness, and the increases in energetic flow through the many systems. These code structures will take some time to develop the systems. This is not an overnight process. You will be alerted to their development by the experience of greater capabilities in pursuits already engaged. The improvements or enhancements will be easier to discern when looking backward in comparison to your previous capabilities. Most changes of this nature are gradual. They do not come in a sudden rush, a frenzy of excitement and demonstration. They would be a distraction and a hindrance in that manner of development, you see.

Not the need here for microscopic attention on these developments. Your task and your opportunity is to hold your attention, your desires, and your service to life in constructive direction. These changes take their cue, if you will, from your reaching for and providing assistance to the ongoingness of life.

In your case, dear one, there are three elements of extension or DNA enhancement about to make known to you increased ability for comprehension of subtle reality and the better management of those forces through you. Look for, be alert to, and expect noticeable improvement in consistency of connection, perception, and assimilation–or channeling, if you will–of life forces that consciousness and understanding compel. You will in time find that certain hesitancies, doubts, and confusions about your capabilities, your worth, and expanded involvements in life service will diminish, partly by your willingness to let go of them.

There is much interest in this phenomenon at this time. But once again the emphasis has been placed by many on external forces and external design. The advantages, the openings, of greater abilities are primarily achieved through your own determination. Life assists choices you have already made, commitments you have already engaged, momentums you have already built and are building. It does not determine these for you. It does place opportunities in your path, based on the callings of your heart and your consciousness and your soul.

See these changes in this way, dear one. Allow them in your perception to unfold naturally as they will. Place your attention on the grander opportunities afforded by these. The changes are not the object of your attention, but what they afford is. See this experience as movement in the direction of becoming consciously more complete within your being, free to engage life in any of its realities, not for dependency but to give. You can do this, dear one, and yes, it is your destiny, for you have chosen this. Continue as you have. Find peace in everything you undertake. Namaste.

May 7, 1997                                                       Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other personal inquiries, see also Miscellaneous 

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


We are never alone

JANU: We are assembling at this time those interested parties that support inquiries into the nature of life. We would have you see at this time that these inquiries, these journeys, are well attended. For example, one interested presence…actually, several…are supporters of interactive consciousness with other species of other worlds. Their experience, their history with embodiment, whether physical or not, is what they draw upon. Your interest in the life reality of other species and worlds draws them near. In time, they may speak through us, and they are welcome to do so. So we share their knowledge, their wisdom from experience.

Human researchers feel that inhabited worlds are few and far between, based on their discoveries. Not only is the universe vast, our brother, but so are the different realities that are not physical. Life is everywhere.

The human form configuration is by no means accidental. Many factors influence the design for successful species. The fields of creation are quite malleable and interactive. Witness that the current form changes with changing conditions, evolves. Even incarnating consciousness plays a role here, not only influencing this so-called vehicle of expression, but the world it is a part of, you see. Life is very interactive, exhibiting the oneness that is Life’s reality.

Those who visit our journeys are aware of them, drawn to them through their desire for connection and involvement. They are saying, “We at this time appreciate your awareness of our presence and the willingness to engage, for we all benefit from sharing our lives and, yes, our love of life.” These beings have journeyed in consciousness to this moment, as we journey beyond limitations.

Be aware, our brother, that we do not journey alone for the elements of life are mutually beneficial and influence each other. We are one. We are many. And we are Life. Namaste.

Jan. 28, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross