Life Purpose

JANU: How many long to answer that question, “What is my purpose in life?”

The primary purpose is to explore life and be enriched by it, which in turn enriches life. Guiding you is discovering what interests you, what elicits your inner strengths, your inner genius, and your love to be. Some imagine their purpose is something grand. All of life is grand, our brother. Compare not your embrace of life with that of another. They cannot live your path, and neither can you live theirs.

All of life is of equal worth. Can you observe others, no matter their station in life, and see them worthy? Moreover, encourage them to see themselves in this way, for they are. Truly loving yourself and all that you are is a worthy beginning for any purpose. Many are unaccustomed to this and, in a world filled with competition to survive, they are not encouraged.

Does your self-worth depend upon the approval of others? Can you be at peace and love life, find joy in it, without the love of self? Living in this way encourages others to forgive and love themselves, demonstrating it is possible to do so. Peace opens the door for the creative genius within. It includes understanding to find its way into the Light. Encourage this in the children. They are ready for this. Namaste.


Feb. 3, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross