Coordination & cooperation-elements of brotherhood

JANU:   Coordination and cooperation is part of brotherhood, of working together to achieve a goal. That is the theme here, embracing the challenges of achieving objectives. It takes patience, understanding, caring, and skill. Calling on the true powers of life, those that are benevolent, wise, and enduring. Honoring the natural resources of another, who is also challenged. Managing the objective and clearly understanding the objective and its layers of reality. Be at peace in this in the days to come. Much to be gained and learned. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Elements of beneficial exchange with others

JANU:    Being a mirror for others finds harmony with them being a mirror for you. Exchange of understanding without condemnation, judgement, or preference. No right or wrong, no agree or disagree, just the isness of being. Consistency in the consciousness, in the integrity, in the clarity of perception and understanding supports the freedom of both. Love is the foundation for allowing the freedom to be and explore life in one’s own way, to perceive in their own way. To understand, in their own way, your existence and you theirs, where the exchange enriches life and each other. Finding fault with another is finding fault with yourself and your life patterns that are part of evolving.

Be conscious of the reality that life is always present. One is never alone. Each walks their path with their True Nature. Life records everything, but loves as well. Life is patient but also in motion, is evolving and responding to the evolution of each one’s desires. Connecting with another consciously and spiritually is a profound opportunity to grow in consciousness. Namaste.
July 27, 2022                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: This came after reviewing some of the material available from Ramtha, who speaks of being mirrors for each other. 


Light Bringers

JANU: Partnerships in the service of the Light are a blessing for humanity. There are traditions of life that are created through service. These traditions are like a breath of fresh air in the lives of humanity, that gentle breeze that brings a sense of well-being and hope for the future.

There is a natural desire to be part of something larger. In the Larger Life, open-mindedness, free thinking, creativity coexists with a sense of community and mutual benefit. The isolation of the veil experience gives way to this as enlightenment unfolds and the attention on the Family of Life replaces the loneliness of isolation. This is part of the Truth of Life, the Light of Life. Join the Light Bringers. It is part of human destiny. Namaste.
June 24, 2022 B                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


More on mastering challenges

JANU:    Protuberances outline our focus of harmony. Challenges such as these coexist with the ideals you strive for. Distractions have their purpose. They provide opportunities to exercise clarity and focus. Welcoming them is wise. They are opportunities for exercise in disciplines and desires, to be free and master your nature. Blessings in disguise, to see more clearly the nature of everything, including your own Nature on all levels. A Master maintains peace in the midst of these. Wisdom gained through experience guides the life. Namaste.
July 8, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: This was first discussed in Mastering Challenges.  For a more ‘current events’ approach, see journey taken on Jan. 6, 2022


The journey home

JANU: Home is where you find it, for home is not just a place but a reality of being, which can be any time, anywhere.  The common desire by those who reach for the Truth of Life, the answers they seek, the ownership of being. It seems to nag at the consciousness and the emotions. Always there because it is the True Nature and who you are. Everything else is life in motion, realizing potential, and creating vehicles of expression. Never fully free of the pull to find home. The reality is that home coexists with all of these. Persistent desire penetrates the veil to understand. Each one’s journey has its own character, nuances, twists and turns, successes and disappointments, but the desire continues, as does the journey. Evolution and realization continue. Namaste.
July 8, 2022                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Can evolution of DNA be influenced?

JANU:   DNA has a partnership with life that extends past sojourns. All of life’s patterns are recorded and subject to influences beyond the physical, for what isn’t founded in energy of various kinds and levels. The physical body is in this way as well.

You ask, “What influences the evolution of DNA?” Unrealized and realized human potential in expression is a creative force. The DNA coexists with this and responds to it. The DNA is created along with the body by the patterns before and after birth, having a tradition or history to them which is like the blueprint for manifestation in the physical realm. DNA can be influenced by the emotions, long held beliefs and attitudes, environment, pressures of life on physical existence, fears and joys. Some pressures are lifestyle, destructive habits. Yes, and diet as well. For DNA is adaptable to protect survival with the body, the mind, and the emotions being the vehicles to express potential and experience life, and expand understanding.

Truly wisely serving others plays its role in programming the evolution of DNA. The potential for its expression, understanding consciousness, are among those forces that support DNA and vice versa. DNA is your partner in this sojourn. Serve it well, grateful for its existence. See it as a jewel in life being faceted and polished that it may shine and reflect the Light of Life. Namaste.
July 15, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing more and more of life

JANU: Experiencing more of life, as you request, requires guidance, wisdom, and an aptitude for assimilation.

Shall we begin with those of us not incarnate? Most of us have been, at one time or another, and of course there are those who have not. Cooperation among these, the sharings of understanding and experience, is a scenario of life colorful and most interesting for words as such are not used, but life patterns are and communicating through these can be subject to interpretation. And the potentials for relationship, compatibility, many dynamics here to explore. Part of the richness of life’s journey, whether incarnate or not.

Direct shared experience is a process not instantaneous as such but with paths of enrichment and diversity of expression and reception. A sense of presence, reality, integrity, depth, and substance is very real, as is awareness of the incarnate world as well.

Consciousness extends in both directions, as far as the veil is concerned. It is not a blank wall, impenetrable, but a platform for exchange, for communication, and mutual benefit. Its benefit extends to more than the incarnate world but the Larger Life as well. There is wisdom in exploring and using the veil and its potentials. See it as a life arrangement to renegotiate and manage. Namaste.
June 14, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Explore opportunities when so inspired

JANU: There is a tendency to view possibilities and opportunities against each other, as greater or lesser. Pearls of great promise, great opportunity—or shall we say: significant—are everywhere, found in the most unlikely places. Life is sprinkled with these. So, if one occurs, or there’s a hint of one, explore it. You will recognize it, to a degree, as to its possibilities and timing. This is being in the flow. This is Life in motion. This is the magic of existence from potential. Begin today. Namaste.
July 11, 2022                                                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



Exploring life, including your own

JANU:   Transitional powers belong to the era of post-apocalyptic times. In the formation of worlds, these realities spring to the fore when attempting to understand the larger scope of life. We have walked some of these earths and they bring to the fore that which can be seen as springboards of progress in the awakening of life potential. Freedom to explore these, even as they are repeated in some ways, is an exercise in the flow of life and its eddies and currents. Life is not linear or sequential. It is coexisting and co-influential. We strongly encourage the formation of personal disciplines of balance, even-mindedness, and non-reactive results when these connections are made. Inner strength is in harmony with the evolution of life.

You seek for understanding of the nature of existence. Choose to understand your own life, mastering that in the process, for it is not separate from the Larger Life. Namaste.
June 9, 2022                                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Accomplishment & the flow of life

JANU:   Accomplishment is an interesting term. It has many shades and evolves constantly. Gratitude and curiosity keeps accomplishment alive and growing. Familiarity with accomplishment becomes an old friend, bringing peace and confidence.

Being at peace with life and creation reveals the coexistence of everything, for it is part of their nature to be so. Life flowing is unmistakable. Allow life to flow and be your experience. Namaste.
June 3, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross