Reality check

JANU: We are establishing then a course and a discourse to promulgate what has been happening in these sessions.

What is happening, our brother, is the fomenting of established protocols in the order of life that you inhabit for the re-emergence of your consciousness, your identity into the larger life. These seeming asides to the basic premise of this series are the formation of these, not only in the consciousness but in the record of Life, including yours as well. We turn to these to bring about triggers or catalysts for journeying in the larger life while incarnate. No small task, our brother. So pay attention to these journeys in the light of this understanding and we shall continue with this as we may.

These protocols are not arbitrary rules for engagement. They are part of the tapestry, the fabric of manifest life, the resources and the themes of creation. Kindness, love, patience, peace are still threads in this fabric, this tapestry. But wisdom, responsibility, and respect for the orders of life and life’s evolution are paramount. There is joy in this. And, yes, even light-heartedness. But a balance, a refinement of balance in all of these elements of experience.

Your persistence, our brother, is noted. It honors and respects ours. May we continue together these journeys in the Light. Namaste.

July 22, 2016 B                                                                                             ht © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening and the flow of life

JANU:   What we have in store for this journey is a remembrance of a time when—time being a limited expression here—you were on a world in some ways like this one. Far more conscious and consciously active in the affairs of that world, in the role of guardian of its so-called secrets, looking for opportunity to share these with others of that world. The dilemma, of course, is how much and when and with whom.

The flow of life in any reality is not the conveyance of all there is to know and be without reservation. By ‘reservation’ we mean being in harmony with destinies, timing, preparation, capabilities, and the many currents of life.

You learned patience on that world, profound caring, and the reality that your contributions to life remain connected with you. There are legacies to your involvement. More than just memories, our brother, but real, active residuals that are not fixed but evolve, as your contributions evolve and expand.

Awakening to and being involved in the larger life is a continuous process, just as life is. Nothing lost; everything gained. Your involvement in the larger life makes your life larger. How can it be otherwise? Your life in this incarnation has become larger, as have your associations.

The theme here this morning is the reality that awakening is the embracing of a continuous movement in the flow of life that evolves and expands endlessly. The brief, limited identity of separation through the veil is very temporary and, in some ways, an illusion. For even under the veil, you become larger. Your life expands, as does your identity and sense of being. The human mind tends to think in terms of steps along the way, fixed plateaus and levels. Life is continuous, our brother. Nothing fixed about it. Even the illusion of physicality, isolated any way from so-called spiritual life, is a reality within a larger one.

So grow more aware of the expansion of your being, your identity, in all of your contemplations, involvements, and commitments. The movement, flow of life is present in every reality. Namaste, our brother.
July 22, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.



JANU: We are patterning today to bring out latent confidences. The challenge is not new understandings, new realities, new capabilities. The challenge is to become them. Remembering previous experience and abilities brings confidence. Realizing you have done this before, many times, melts the barriers of incredibility. So we focus this day on having done this before.

The first approach, the first step, is remembering what was accomplished with these abilities and they bring credibility to the capability. Allow memory, then, of a previous existence in another world where you and your compatriots were the Wisdom Guides for different cultures, tapping into the memories of those you served to bring them their confidence of their own abilities. Now, these achievements were not calculated, manipulated, or engineered into existence. They came more naturally by opening to their reality without the conditioning of others who had no understanding.

Now, one learns rather quickly that the dispensing of specific wisdom tailored for an individual or small group can ultimately bypass their own efforts and earnings or ability by being an easier path than owned achievements. So, what is wisdom, our brother? Shared understanding, but not bypassing the strength-building, confidence-building reach for awakening.

Yes, awakening is a personal experience with measures of wisdom, of support and inspiration. We of the Brotherhood of Light have long served in this way. It takes patience, thoughtfulness, and a history of experience, with caring and loving monitoring of what unfolds. This is knowledge you already have, our brother, which describes your reluctance to be a so-called ‘teacher’ in the ordinary sense of your world. We are not here to carry you, but to inspire. Inspiration based upon your deep desires and truth that lives within you.

We speak of associations and collaborations. A developing and deepening wisdom is key to this. The true inspiration of another serves both equally. In different ways at times, but never to the expense of another’s opportunity of self-realization. But the march of life goes on, our brother, and no matter your proficiency, the desire remains to be helpful and serve life in harmony with its nature. If one is lifted, one lifts themselves, then all are lifted, our brother.

Ponder wisdom carefully, patiently, foundationed in a peaceful love of life. Namaste.

July 21, 2016                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The Orders of Life

JANU: Paying attention as we may, the Orders of Life are referred to from time to time. These are something like protocols, but they are more like patterns of life that are akin to the elements of maturing and evolving, similar to that which comprises childhood into adulthood, the growing opportunities and responsibilities that appear as this unfolds.

The Order of Life we are engaging is that which is called “Embarkation.” Embarking upon what will seem as a new life, for its significance and components have a range, a set of opportunities that are not only unique to that Order of Life but have a heritage linking them to other Orders of Life. We would have you know this, that you be open to more of the, what you might say, structures of life, arrangements, patterns to be embraced and be owned in consciousness in your True Nature.

The True Nature, our brother, is not the end of the journey of awakening but a threshold, an Order of Life that has substance and depth and meaning and a connection with many realities. In many ways, it is as a doorway to walk through, and awakening to this opens the door. The Family of Life includes more than you can imagine. And even that is being added to. Life is so much vaster and richer than many are even aware of.

Incarnate veiled consciousness seems defined by life and end of life, beginnings and endings, limits and boundaries, life spans that seem real and definitive. Consider the reality of unlimited life, engagements, collaborations, creations, experiences, and awakenings beyond what we have mentioned or referred to. And you are still you, our brother, but so much more. When you journey to another country, another culture for the first time, you are ‘you’ entering that experience. But as you experience that opportunity, the ‘you’ is changing, expanding, maturing, gaining wisdom, and appreciating the larger life and, in some ways, contributing to it as you may. Such it is with awakening and engaging a larger life, you see. You are still you, but the ‘you’ includes so much more.

The Orders of Life are worth knowing, experiencing, and discovering. Enjoy these journeys. We guide you in this way, to encourage commitment and a love for life. Namaste.

July 20, 2016 B                                                                                             ht © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The Flow of Life

JANU: We are encouraged by the sum of the influences created by the seeds of awakening that have been planted. Whenever life is served in an open way, the benefits continue even when unaware.

The flow of life, in reality, carries with it the contributions made by so many. As in the physical body, it is like the life’s blood of Life, transporting supportive nutritional, if you will, elements to the creations of life. The flow of life to your consciousness, to your destiny, to your vitality is like the blood of the body. Not just understandings but the energy of life, the communication between all elements of life.

Service in this way is grand indeed. Part of the oneness, the connection between everything. We have mentioned the Earth consciousness, its vitality and reality. It exists in this flow as well, our brother, on many levels. Life in motion, eternal in nature, patterns of life moving as one.

Being aware of, in harmony with the flow of life is part of awakening, our brother. The questions arise: Are the principles you hold dear, fundamental truths, flowing with change, evolving, more profound? Are your relationships deepening with new layers of meaning? Are your collaborations serving life in this way? Are your goals sensitive to changes, new opportunities?

Most think every breath is just like every other. It is not, for more than air takes place in this exchange, our brother, energies, vitalities, many physiological responses that are in motion. Nothing is exactly the same as before. True security, as has been said, is moving with the flow of life, whether incarnate or not, whether human or not, whether conscious or not. This flow brings change and opportunities, rejuvenation, evolving direction and perception, and, yes, awakening.

Allow yourself to become aware, to make decisions in harmony with true purpose. When achieving this, you are supported in these with resources beyond your current understanding, for life is aware, too, our brother, of everything. Allow any truth you may find in this understanding to be with you. Namaste.

July 19, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Absorbing the journey of awakening

JANU: We are beginning then to absorb what it means to be fully conscious. The incarnate concerns of past and future, confusing present, give way to the reality of the Now, which includes all of these.

Let us take a moment to be conscious, be aware of, to have a connection with Life itself. Searching for the truth of anything is a daunting task for the unawakened mind. For the conscious one, it is still a process without focus, allowing, and attention. At times, it is like watching a movie screen without the screen. Connection can be selective and measured. There is a timelessness to being. What you are aware of follows your interests. Memory is experienced more fully, more completely. Associations have an intimacy that is natural. And, yes, there are realities of existence that emerge.

For some, the awakening experience is challenging, realizing that you are well known and always have been. You are not a stranger entering a room for the first time. And you are aware of, you know these who know you. There is a familiarity of returning home, so to speak. No longer experiencing your True Nature as something separate but the identity of inclusiveness in all that you are and have been which you become accustomed to, once more. You are delighted at how rich life is and this physicality no longer confines you to the parameters of that existence, yet the memory remains.

Many changes yet to come, our brother, as we continue. Namaste.

July 19, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Normalizing awakening

JANU: We are normalizing, then, the perceptions of awakening into as matter of fact reality as possible. Awakened or ‘identified as all that you are’ is normal, the common experience in the larger reality Family of Life. The human consciousness interlude is an exception or alternative to this that begins with the veil. As we have explained before, the veil is not created by you but agreed to, as part of the contract of incarnation. For incarnation is a structured reality to help ensure common experience, at least at the onset, that individuals relate to each other, for consciousnesses that incarnate are diverse in their backgrounds, capabilities, understanding.

So awakening, our brother, is not a departure from normal. It is normal. It is by far the most common experience. Now the human experience is a precious one, rich with opportunity to advance evolution, in the larger reality of life, a component and element. As we have said, it is normal and desirable to open to a new relationship with the human experience of walking through the larger life at the same time. Far more opportunities that are richer in potential. There are, of course, adjustments to be made in integrating all of these experiences. This is why there is process: time to adjust, time to consider, time to merge, time to measure results, time to be in balance, build confidence and enthusiasm, and history of success.

So, as we have said it is normal, common, in the larger life to be aware of all that you are and your potential as part of the flow of life, life in motion. Unlimited realities, fascinating journeys and encounters, every moment and opportunity to discover not only what exists but your own potentials. You are awakening to normality, what you have always been. The human journey is temporary, our brother, a moment in time but a rich one. Do not be owned by it but choose to own it, as another element of wisdom to be added. Namaste.

July 18, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Integrating incarnate life with larger life

JANU: We are forming then conclusions at the onset of this series of journeys that bring into view the destiny of humanity at long last.

When reviewing the human journey, it is filled with, as you say, twists and turns. And, in due course, the nature of the individual says “Enough!” and something new and original is inspired. Something new to the human journey, that is. What we are exploring here is the merging of the entire being into one multi-faceted truth, consciously. The experimentations of the human journey to present give way to something grander: an integration of the larger life and the human experience while incarnate. An interesting opportunity and challenge.

Some would say life is complicated enough, but the complications are born of ignorance, isolated consciousness, and confusion. The truth, our brother, is not confusing. It is revelatory. It brings unexplained thoughts and perceptions into focus, into resolution, opening the opportunity for grander understanding and interests rather than the repetition of perceptions. We continue to explore motivations for awakening and change.

Take a moment, our brother, and ponder and open to a new understanding of anything of interest.

You have chosen sentient life on another world. The beginning of this journey is another world with human consciousness, genetically similar but not a duplicate, if you will. These beings have always had an inkling into the larger life, common knowledge and experience. In ways you’ve yet to understand, their path encourages, stimulates, and beckons Earth humanity’s journey. They are growing in awareness of Earth-like worlds, worlds like theirs, diverse but genetically human, with different stages of awakening.

They have their questions as well. Still confused as to why their progression seems to have plateaued. They have bi-location ability, levitation, and telepathy, stable health patterns, relative peace, but a hunger for more, you see, for their senses detect this and their common desire is to move on, to evolve, to embrace a larger reality. And because life is one, these urges, these desires in their world touch Earth humanity subtly and draw this out of Earth humanity, here and there.

When you attune to the larger life, and open to experiencing its reality, be aware that you will be touched as you touch, and new perceptions and understandings become yours as well. We who are not incarnate have this same experience with many. Life is drawing together, our brother, marshalling, if you will, its resources for new thresholds to be explored and created. The awakening of humanity is but one.

Earth, an island, so to speak, in a sea of life, whose shores are absorbing more of life. What appears as an island is at one with the rest of the world behind appearances while the ocean of uncertainty that seems to hide the truth that lies beneath. Allow depth of your consciousness, your interests and desires, your True Nature to journey, as do we. Namaste, our brother.

July 15, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The rationale for these journeys

JANU: Unencumbered as we are, we seek to engage the lifting of the veil, so to speak, to our human consciousness. It is an opportunity to serve the incarnate Earth human reality in a way that may inspire individual and collective sovereignty.

It is one thing to speak of the larger life and quite another to walk it. These preparations in perception of consciousness, character, personality, open-mindedness, discernment, and love of life are a preamble, so to speak. These journeys are opportunities to individually explore, for yourself and in groups, of what we speak. One can be led to an understanding, a reality, but the individual or group must walk the truth of this for the experience and the wisdom. Words may point the way, but that’s all they can do. As with any journey, all is not discovered or experienced at once. But the magic in any part of the journey speaks of the rest of it.

Freedom can be a giddy experience, but what better gift can you give to yourself? What better way to teach another than how you live? We invite you to understand and experience our realities and the ones that lie beyond. We are all the Brotherhood of Light, in one form or another. We draw near you, all of our brothers and sisters in the Light, and bid you welcome. You have never been alone on this journey of awakening, but your choices have always been respected, for they are part of your freedom, your sovereignty.

Allow yourselves to be close to the truth of a larger life, a larger identity, a larger experience and memory. The veil has allowed humanity to build a perception of separation, an unseen border between incarnate life and the larger life. It is only perception, our brother, for a purpose. A maturing consciousness no longer settles for this, and yearns for more, suspects a reality of life far richer. Leaving incarnation to realize this is not what we suggest. Open to the truth wherever you’re at, whatever you are doing, whoever you think you are. Namaste.

July 14, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Preparing for collaboration with the rest of life

JANU: We are summarizing then the preliminaries of entering this next adventure. Awakening or becoming aware of the larger life also calls for awakening to the nature of that life and balancing that with incarnate consciousness. The theme being cooperation here, a mixture of the two that is mutually beneficial, harmonious. Challenging, yes, but successful.

Even though a limited consciousness, the human experience is part of the larger. The opportunity and challenge, our brother, is to perceive it in a more enlightened way, for the collaborations we speak of, the associations, have to do with cooperation among discarnate and incarnate consciousnesses. For aren’t we all beings in the Light, the Truth of Life, endeavoring to refine opportunities, possibilities, and destinies? No longer with the attitude of physical or non-physical life, but just life, you see, facets of the same thing, all precious elements of the wonder of Life. So allow, in your sensitivities, to experience the presence not just of other incarnate beings but the rest of life as well. So, as you walk or move through your incarnate life, there is so much more.

There is much understanding and wisdom about Earth life, the human experience. It is not limited to those who are incarnate. Being part of a larger team, larger association, is an awakening on the doorstep of so many. Even as a human, there are times when you are aware of the presence of another human without seeing them. The same is true for discarnate beings, as well. These awarenesses and associations need not be overwhelming or a distraction from incarnate life, but a collaboration into a larger family.

These comments are preparation for a larger experience, changes in identity, purpose, and goals. Embrace what already is. Walk thorough life in a larger way, without rejecting anything. Grow in peace, loving life. Namaste, our brother.

July 14, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.