Identity within Awakening

Understanding and experiencing the reality of the Larger Life sometimes challenges the individual’s sense of identity. There is definitely a need for shifting one’s identity, in order to fully experience different realities. In an effort to help the reader grasp some of the challenges and solutions, my journeys in awakening that deal specifically with identification are collected into this grouping: Identity within Awakening.

Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The Process of Awakening

As it is our desire that each person take their own journey of awakening, it seemed prudent to provide a little guidance as to the ‘how’ of that journey. The Process of Awakening pulls together some of my own journeys dealing with the process itself. It is hoped that these may serve as inspiration to others.

Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The journey of the Larger Life

JANU: Such it is, the liberation of awakening:

Peaceful foundation centering.

Clarity, a growing clarity of understanding.

A gentle compassion for those who seek enlightenment.

Integrity that speaks for itself.

A deepening love of life and respect for its eternal nature and potential.

A desire to enrich another while honoring their integrity, their path to enlightenment, their service to life, their freedom and sovereignty.

Realizing there are no secrets in the Larger Life. All is known, for life is one and everything is from that life. How can there be secrets when the secrets, so-called, come from life itself?

 Anger, frustration, and confusion melt away, replaced with eternal patience, commitment, and journeys without end.

Life is rich. The physical body is a miracle but temporary. Life is a miracle and permanent. And so are you. So are we all. Experience the power of true peace and enlightenment and your own True Nature. Namaste.
Jan. 23, 2020                                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Practical awakening

JANU:    Seeing the truth of things is a practicality you seek, for a life committed to taking journeys into awakening to the Larger Life. The practical result is wisdom, insight, awareness, consciousness expansion, the liberation of identity, and a deepening understanding of the self, of others, of society, the Earth and its creatures, the nature of everything. Wiser choices benefit everyone in your circle of influence through service.

Symbolism works best when there is not the need to verbalize their meanings, but when you allow your consciousness to be one with what the symbol represents. Words limit the experience and the understanding. But before the symbol existed, what it represents already was a reality. So the reality comes first, you see, and the symbol of it after. Symbols are only clues. Do not worship them. Be the truth of what they represent and you will know more than the words can say.

Experiences can be shared the same way with those who are awakening. Namaste.
Jan. 20, 2020 B                                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Adding the Larger Life to the incarnate life

JANU:  The elements of life of a sojourn are not preordained but subject to life patterns that have been created, innate potential based on many factors. The decision, the commitment to incarnate belongs to the tried and true desire to explore.

This plane of existence called ‘third dimensional’ is one of many, but wisdom gained while incarnate is unique to that reality. Therefore, the desire to evolve, expand the wisdom of the True Nature makes incarnation interesting. The goals are not set in stone. The opportunities and challenges vary. Choice pervades everything. Where is discovery when all is known in advance? So see each day as having possibilities to be explored.

Yes, the Larger Life coexists but it is only separate from third dimensional reality by the perception of physical identity. Even though the five senses dominate perception, the larger consciousness still coexists and is knowable. As one explores incarnate life, endeavor to make wise choices. Attune to the larger You to assist. One is never truly alone for there is far more of ‘who you are’ than many know. Be encouraged by the love of your True Nature, its wisdom, its patience, its oneness with the rest of life, because it is who you are. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2020 B                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The power of a question and an open mind

JANU:    We are assembling then those questions acting as keys to unlock understanding and experience. Let us begin with the nature of individual existence progressing to the larger issues of reality.

  • First, the personal questions, the main interest of most: Who am I? Why am I here?
  • What is real?
  • What is the future?
  • What is destiny?
  • What is love?
  • What is life?
  • Are we alone?
  • What exists beyond the physical life?

These questions are only a beginning. Every journey has one. Each one chooses their beginning, for evolution has no end.

Questions are like magic. If you have a question, you can also have an answer. One of many, even for the same question, you see. Life and reality is like this, for it is evolving, ever changing, growing. This does not invalidate the answer to any question, but fulfills it, like a plant that is growing, from a seed thought.

So let us begin with the power of a question and an open mind. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2020                                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Dynamics of awakening

JANU: What dynamics are involved in the movement of consciousness into the so-called unknown?

  • One is the wonderment of observing another on their adventure and the beauty and magic of their experience and creations.
  • Another is the possibility of your own imagination of new possibilities or abilities coming true.
  • For some, it is being part of sharing something wonderful with others.
  • The first experience of “freedom through understanding” has a strong attraction to continue.
  • The mysteries of Life can be revealed from within. Revelation of who you are makes more and more clear that path of change, which is filled with challenges.

Many dynamics on the path of awakening. No matter what is achieved, there is always more. And one realizes this is a path of living without end. Awakening is very dynamic, more so than an incarnate life that is not free.

Being more conscious with a growing identity and appreciation of the magic and mystery of life is what some might call addictive, but it is an addiction of love, fulfillment, and giving. Life is beautiful. Prove it to yourself by experiencing it. Namaste.
Nov. 7, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Elements of awakening

JANU: We are continuing with our discourse and development of the elements of awakening. We are best suited for this, due to the fact that there exists within the human consciousness trace memories of the Larger Life and the reasons and choices involved in reincarnating at this time in human history. There is a growing need amongst humanity to more completely realize its potential, indicated by its achievements and growth in understanding and embracing life through service to each other, reinforced by the dichotomy of conflicts, human suffering, and ignorance to opportunities.

We of the Brotherhood of Light persist in integrity of consciousness, true nature, and life’s flow of opportunities to evolve and awaken. Let us restore, then, that which has been set aside as humanity moves towards the realization of its own potential by way of awakening and experience. Opportunities are created by the consciousness and the wisdom that is becoming increasingly ready for fulfillment of potential.

The adventure continues, rich in deed and ownership of integrity. Namaste.
May 14, 2019                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Choosing to create

JANU: Out of one, many. From many, oneness. The human group consciousness speaks volumes to evolution, creativity, understanding, and mastership.

Let us begin this evening’s journey by reaching into the darkness of ignorance with the light that has been gained. The light brings discovery. Discovery brings an opportunity for understanding. Understanding enriches consciousness. And consciousness leads to more discovery, and the cycles of life go on.

Enriching life is an intimate experience, a path of ever growing freedom to be. Loving yourself and freedom go hand in hand. As we have said, do not limit yourself to choices made in ignorance; make new ones. The phrase ‘trail and error’ when making choices leads to self-condemnation. There are no mistakes, our brother, only choices and outcomes, and learning, and experience, creativity and new journeys. Learn from all of them. You will survive them all, whether incarnate or not.

Life continues. Opportunities will always appear. Love every moment. Enjoy creating. Namaste.
July 28, 2017 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 28 contains all prior attunements in this series.


How to begin awakening consciously

JANU: We are once more speaking to so-called phenomenon of awakening, many would consider a reality out of reach, a bizarre perspective, without evidence. Once again, how do you understand or appreciate a reality whose existence is beyond the elements of experience and perception of your current reality? What some fail to realize is that these tools of exploration and perception already exist within them. How do you embrace something more than you seem to have known? It is difficult with a human-centered identity that excludes everything else, for the everything else is who you are.

There comes a time in each one when one wonders if there’s a better way? Is there something more to life? What happens to me after so-called death? Do I exist at all? The answer is “Yes” to all of these and more. Your True Nature, your larger being, is always ready to respond, and has, even though unrecognized. The isolation in consciousness is reinforced by the isolation of others. Many long to belong to some group or even another individual. Consider for a moment belonging to, being part of the larger you. That’s where you find the answers, the experience, the evidence of a larger reality. The rewards are beyond description. The peace of mind that seems so elusive is there to be discovered and experienced.

There is evidence of this inner guidance everywhere, unrecognized for what it is. Synchronicity, serendipity, opportunity occurs unnoticed for many. So-called miracles, unexplained happenings. How many times have you said, “I couldn’t have planned it better myself”? Well, your self did plan it better, in harmony with the larger life.

Own who you are, a process of discovery, transformation, revelation. Experience the love that is there for you. Rejoin in consciousness the flow of life that you are. Radiate your joy in peace to inspire others. Allow the vast reservoir of experience, wisdom, and understanding to flow into your consciousness. Be not concerned at the rate of discovery. It is a process. The process understands its unfoldment. Namaste.
July 27, 2017                                                                                  Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 28 contains all prior attunements in this series.