Human potential

JANU: We are encouraged to see the ‘shake-down cruise,’ so to speak, of the human journey. Much is being shaken out, allowing more energy and attention to be placed upon the true strength and foundation of human potential. We see parallels of this course in the societies of other worlds, some to come, some already there. Make no mistake: the opportunities for further advancement will still be there.

Much might be gained by those in humanity that are so inclined to discover the truth of the potential of humanity. Some might say, “How can this be? It is yet to manifest.” That may be, but it is still reality. And the consciousness of the Now can perceive this, supported by the patterns of achievement so far. Some dismiss what seems to be fanciful imagination, not seeing its creativity and power to create. Ask the question to yourself and to others: “What is the human potential unfolding?”

You ask about overpopulation in the presence of human potential and ask, “Why does this exist?” It is based upon the desire in humanity to continue to exist in the face of losses due to disease and wars and neglect. This pressure to produce will soften when human potential manifests a more peaceful life. Those who hunger for power and manipulate life to selfish ends, by whatever banner they fly, will find little opportunity as human potential manifests in a peaceful direction, respecting life, cherishing it, and understanding its genius.

Reach into the vast repository of what can be. Shine the light on it as it blossoms into being and enriches life. Some speak of ‘saving the world.’ The best way to accomplish this is to awaken to the truth within you, the potential of humanity to enrich life. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 16, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A look into the future

These two attunements present markers that may help us to recognize that we are awakening to the larger life, and a look at changes which may occur in Earth life as a result of these changes. The next century is really into the 22nd century, a further look down the road, so to speak.

Signs of a brighter future

JANU: We are looking forward to the excursion into life that awaits so much of humanity. Understanding that this is process, but what seems like a long time to humanity is but a moment in a larger reality.

Many signposts, so to speak, along the way, markers if you will. A growing presence of insights, individually and collectively, into better decision-making and innate understanding of personal and collective motivations. Another marker: a growing sensitivity to the needs of others, not in big ways, as you might call them, but in small ways. A growing sensitivity to health of the body, clarity of the mind, and heartfelt emotions. Sensitivity to energies, creating them, manipulating them, including those of nature and animals. A foundation-building of communication beyond words, with every part of life and nature. A form of telepathy here and there, improving with time and proving to be accurate. A growing ability to understand the causes of suffering and illness. The ability to see inside the body of another, identifying the pathology. The ability to feel color and project it. And yes, even the ability to transmute materials. A greater ability to be in focus and find peace. The ability to call upon the power within.

Many such qualities are in store for humanity, in balance and harmony with the life around you. Guided by the wisdom from within, a bright future for humanity, growing brighter with time. There will be struggles to let go of old ways that have imprisoned, so to speak, humanity. That is all changing, our brother. It is natural to let go of the old when the vision arrives for the new. Look forward to a bright future. It begins today. Namaste.

Oct. 20, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

A look at the next century

JANU: Moving into the next century of human achievement, let us consider several possibilities.

  • Avoiding disease through understanding of the entire being is on the horizon.
  • Human relationship with the Earth as two living consciousnesses will change critically humanity’s view of Earth as a resource, a consumable.
  • Enlightened reincarnation will change everything, eventually leading to manifestation of the human body at any stage of maturity.
  • So much of the human journey includes repetition of that learned before, but conscious awareness of the systems of the Earth will lead to forewarning of changes to be managed.
  • We are not speaking here of isolated individuals or groups moving in this direction but populations.
  • First contact with another world, publicly, is a slight possibility, as public human thought and consciousness moves beyond the Earth into larger realities.
  • More and more of humanity’s achievements in enlightened living will be inspired by these achievements with other species of other worlds, but this is a ways off yet.
  • Large differences in social and economic conditions still prevail.
  • The arts will suffer for a while due to a rebellion against change, but eventually flourish as a result of awakening consciousnesses not only to the beauty of life but as a way of life.

Humanity’s future is still larger than its past. In the scope of its destiny, it is just begun. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Shared destinies

JANU: The change that is coming to humanity, which we all welcome, is to be aware of, to some degree, the larger life, and human consciousness moving in the direction of a respect for life and the realization that its potential is affected by its choices. Wondering about a better life slowly giving way to knowing what potentials exist. Humanity is not the first to create a better life. We are all in existence to benefit each other, to earn and own our achievements and to share them. There are others who have achieved some of what humanity dreams of, hopes for. Just as every part of your physical body benefits from the rest, the destiny of humanity can include the destiny of others.

How does one, then, share their destiny with another’s destiny? By becoming conscious of each other, open to the larger life and to walk that path. Loving life or any part of it brings it to you and you to it. Sharing destinies also includes your communities, your neighbors, your friends. Place your attention upon the larger life, and by this we mean life larger than you. Have a sharing consciousness. Grow more sensitive to life’s impressions, patterns, energies. Inspirations have many sources and you are one of them, to another.

Life is more connected than you realize. Isolation is an illusion. Uniqueness and universality co-exist. The fear of losing uniqueness is not well founded, especially when consciousness matures, evolves, to being a part of, one with, collective life. There is benefit in pursuing your goals, your dreams, with the vaster resource and wisdom of the larger life. You still pick and choose which portions of this wisdom and experience to take advantage of. And when you do, your endeavors enrich these sources. They are blessed by your application of their achievements. Individual uniqueness is not lost in cooperation with, collaboration with others, but all benefit.

Share your destiny with that of another in an open and free way, requiring nothing of each other. Do so in harmony with life, openly and freely, as you stand in your integrity and enjoy living. Namaste.

Sept. 26, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding destiny

JANU: We are agreeing once more to embrace more of the Truth of Life. For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the interest in that which belongs to so-called destiny.

What is destiny, then, but the capacity to live and create and to be? So destiny is not the destination in the limited sense, but the whole path of living, experiencing, creating, manifesting, and serving life. Loving is part of destiny, but love with vast understanding in meaning. Even when coupling in incarnate life, the passion for each other evolves and deepens into a larger reality than just the partner, you see.

Destiny is potential fulfilled and the creation of new potential. So destiny is better understood when seen as a moment to moment reality. Grow in your awareness of your growing potential as a being of consciousness and intimacy with your becoming. There is no stopping point, for life moves on, as does your destiny. Your destiny, our brother, is not separate from the rest of life. They are one, with mutual benefit every moment.

Understanding the nature of your destiny and its evolution reveals purpose and meaning and even that is changing. Observing another in their life is limited by recognizing a trait or pattern and defining them by it, for even that is changing. Understand, your life is a path of destiny that cannot be defined by one moment of it. Everything is flowing and in motion, changing and growing, evolving, embracing a new expression of oneness and of being. The more you understand your own life, the more you appreciate the uniqueness of another and their destiny.

Endeavor to be at peace as a foundation for accepting and embracing all your destiny can be and the changes that occur in others, whether they understand them or not. You are the Truth of Life. Live it as well as you may. Allow happiness and joy to find you, live within you, and encourage you to continue. Namaste.

Aug. 6, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

For previous journeys on this subject, see Destiny of Humanity


A larger understanding of humanity

JANU: Reaching then into the flow of life called humanity, we would convey an understanding that humanity as such has a long history and the current human experiment in life is not the first. And there will be others to come. Much planning and building and service to the human journey on the Earth has occurred. The source of human existence and therefore the reason it will continue is from the architects of life of which humanity is a part.

A lengthy and strong tradition of life is humanity’s background. It has overcome many obstacles and crises and thresholds of achievement long forgotten. And in every instance, humanity has demonstrated its mettle and this is part of the reason the architects of humanity are committed to its survival and its evolution. Its service to life has always existed and will reach new thresholds in times to come. As humanity awakens, the understanding opens and the command of its faculties, its capabilities, will bring much into play. The current unrest and warring, conflicts and struggles, are a small part of human history, and even a smaller part of its future.

And as humanity of the Earth discovers and connects with humanity of other worlds, this network of life will become more profound in the flow of life. Humanity has demonstrated it is a survivor with capabilities yet to be realized. Base not your bonding to human destiny, and the destiny of those who incarnate, the beings of Light, the eternal natures, on only one sojourn. Understand the larger reality of humanity and, through that, the larger Family of Life. Many are involved with human destiny that are not human. The Family of Life is vast, diverse, and in motion.

Think in an unlimited way. Live in an unlimited way. Understand in an unlimited way. And be unlimited. Namaste.

June 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious connection with your True Nature 

JANU:    Living in the world of your day, this day, it is possible to bring peace to human consciousness and, through this, a measure of greater peace to Earth and its creatures. This peace we speak of centers in and upon the True Natures of humanity and the awakening of humanity. What you are beginning to experience is a more conscious working relationship between the two.

The True Nature and the human experience have a destiny that includes a more conscious relationship. Achieving a measure of this in your own life serves this destiny of humanity. How can you be insightful and speak of and act energetically in this area without direct experience? So you see, a blessing for one becomes a blessing for many. This has been the process of awakening for the human experience. So the joy in awakening, our brother, becomes a joy that includes many.

So continue your interest and pursuit of such emerging, with a deeper understanding and embrace of its purpose. Achieve this guided by wisdom. Namaste.

Feb. 25, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page The True Nature


The patterns of life and destiny

JANU: We are Janu speaking, holding session, if you will, as we move along the path of awakening of humanity and its destiny. Others observe this journey of humanity as well. It is studied and compared to many others to learn of the nature of the choices humanity makes as it slowly considers its destiny and its shaping of it.

What does ‘destiny’ mean, then, in the presence of so-called free will and choice and awakening? The patterns of life include destiny, the power to choose, and the freedom to become. But the choices made, and the becoming, are not free of influence, circumstance, existing opportunities, and opportunities that are created. And even so-called time does not govern these, for that is process.
These patterns of life can be observed as probabilities that make up life of so many other beings, consciousnesses, and passions to live. So ‘destiny,’ our brother, is not set in stone but taken into account as the choices within patterns of life reveal themselves. Free will is the freedom to make choices within the parameters of existence, any existence that consciousness resides in, identifies with, chooses to explore. Everything is connected to everything else, in one way or another. The awakening consciousness begins to appreciate the myriad of realities within the patterns of life, which are without number. And all of this, our brother, is One and every universe, every reality, is of these patterns.
There are subtle ‘ring-pass-nots’ throughout creation, throughout life, to help maintain the integrity of every pattern of life. For when a consciousness embraces a previously unknown pattern of life, movement takes place in the integrity of that pattern, and nothing is motionless, our brother, or stands still, but evolves and changes. When we say “Life is in motion” the understanding of this has unlimited interpretations of this reality. An interesting balance in perspective to embrace all of this and more, maintaining an evolving sanity of perception and relationship to all of life.
Sept. 16, 2014 B Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


An awakening society

JANU: We are Janu speaking and having at this time a moment of interest in the society that humanity will choose as it awakens further into its destiny. We see a society where humanity will take account of its relationship with other worlds and species, where it will explore new capabilities in each other. Its music will be inspired by these new capabilities and go a long ways towards the power of music to bring harmony to the bodies and the mind, to lift consciousness into new capabilities.

The new society will no longer deprive the female gender of opportunities they are quite capable of. Gender games will fade into the past, no longer relevant.

Enlightenment will diminish the need for a complicated legal system and incarceration.

More nutritional food will be in the offing, to reduce the need for large consumption, leaving the body more relaxed and the digestive system less taxed and more endurable.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Aug. 8, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Transformed Human

JANU: Imagine then, if you will, the nature of the consciousness of one who is truly centered in being at peace, with a love for life, and awakening to all that life is.

This being is powerful in ways that most cannot imagine, for it is a different kind of power. It is eternal power, founded in a love for life. This one makes choices based upon a growing foundation of insight into the nature of everything. This one maintains balance, equilibrium, in all of their faculties. This one has a radiance, a glow, an aura of love and peace. It cannot be denied. This one lives in perfect health, even while incarnate. Male and female have joined as one in this consciousness. This one speaks a little in words, but much in presence. This one is inexhaustible in commitment to life and the encouraging of others to find their truth and their integrity. This one lives without fear and is even-minded in all matters.

What we are speaking of here, our brother, is the destiny of humanity. Gentleness and true strength, love and peace, and a wisdom that understands and communicates with all of life. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 5, 2014                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The destiny of human communication

JANU: For this morning’s journey let us partake of excellence in the arena of destiny.  The destiny we refer to is the destiny of speech, of communication.

Humanity’s common speech is rife with misrepresentation, ambiguity, falsehood, and limitation. What is coming, our dear brother, is not just telepathy but direct knowing and the ability to perceive the energy fields of each other. This will go a long ways toward communicating with other species on other worlds for a number of them are accomplished in this area. Needless to say, this will completely revolutionize human relationships, behavior, conduct, and integrity.

The transition will be slow at first, with breakthroughs here and there, confusing to many uncertain as to its grasp on reality and reliability. Current speech patterns continue for they are difficult to challenge, decipher, and probe the truthfulness of. But as the new abilities come into being, the advantages will be obvious to those who continue in the old ways. The legal system will change dramatically. Confessionals in churches will, as well. Negotiations between nations and politicians will come to a halt, at first.

This is all part of human awakening, you see, which we bring to point once more. Consider deeply, even before this becomes common, the impacts to come on communication and interactions, relationships, and individual thoughts and behavior. How many people presently endeavor to make their true thoughts and feelings known to those they communicate with? It would be wise to carefully consider this destiny of human communication. Even prayers to whatever deity you choose will be impacted.

There will be schools, so to speak, to guide those slow to enter this new communication and the abilities required, to reduce the conflicts and mistrusts, for there will be divisions in human culture between those who do and those who do not. Much effort will be needed to overcome this rift. Many challenges, our brother, as this changes. Most of human culture will be affected and will change. We do not offer a timeframe, but it is on the horizon and can be explored, even at this time. A good beginning to this is individual assessment of their own truthfulness and clarity of thought and feeling. Namaste.

June 29, 2014                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross