The individual and collective human experience

JANU: We agree to foster the advent of a secure relationship with the True Nature. Joining these levels of consciousness as one brings clarity to everything. One doesn’t struggle to achieve this. Commitment and a loving desire in an atmosphere of allowing amidst evidence of a growing awareness brings confidence to proceed.

The human entity has many perspectives of consciousness, as does the True Nature. Humanity has evolved into this. Awakening to the True Nature is not a new adventure for humanity, but it’s becoming more understood and recognized as individual and collective advancement and a better life. The veil is lifting, our brother. The darkness is retreating and humanity will understand why it exists and is looked after.

Now, not many see a relationship between their individual journeys through life and personal being with the collective of humanity, but it is just as real as your individual lives. Being more and more conscious of collective reality on the human journey is a great revealer of things to come, in incredible detail.

How does one appraise, then, the content of the human collective? By attuning to the collective reality, the body human, and not just the physical bodies, but the spiritual collective as well. One can choose to be aware of, to see, the aura of humanity. And by some specific awarenesses, everything humanity has experienced, created, and is creating is known. Trends are observed, patterns, and the patterns of change. So, observing humanity, our brother, includes the freedom to be aware, not for curiosity but to better serve and understand.

A small brick is an essential part of a grand structure, but this structure, comprised of all the small components, is something more. Only, the human collective is a living structure and all the components are evolving. Awakening is the path, our brother.

Attuning to humanity as a collective reality is a good beginning and there are many consciousnesses, beings, who have already accomplished this and continue to do so. There is a wholesomeness and balance to this approach. The collective humanity has a destiny, a purpose, and none of it is a secret. Explore the reality of service, what it means to you, its traditions and evolution. Service is a theme of life and has always been. Namaste.

May 4 and 6, 2015                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also “Human temperament” and “Inner Truth can become the Outer Truth


The push is on for awakening

JANU: There is a push to awaken humanity into a far more joyous relationship with life, and each other. Moments of insight, misunderstood, ignored, giving way to the pressures of living created by humanity, can be gently expanded to insights as requested at any time.

There is so much that life has to reveal, that means other beings as well, to the benefit of humanity. Many keep asking, “Why don’t these beings come out into the open, land their craft, if that’s the case, and meet the people?” The answer is: Is humanity ready for such an experience? How would these beings be received? Loving acceptance? Or with suspicion and a defensive attitude, mistrust, judged with old perceptions and concepts created by humanity? So the desire for others to relate to humanity, lift consciousness, and inspire joyous hearts is there but clearly the task is for humanity to grow in consciousness and understand their message and who they are. And this is supported by a reality that humanity understands who they themselves are

The path of awakening to True Nature is the journey we speak of. For understand this, our brethren, the True Nature is the link to the rest of life. Many of these other beings understand this and have achieved this oneness, this connection, and wish this for humanity as well. But they cannot force this upon humanity, only inspire. So, in a very real way, humanity’s journey into awakening is part of their journey as well. One way or another, the awakening of humanity benefits all of life. So the push is on, and, in our way, we are part of it.
May 13, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What inspires humanity to look within?

JANU: The question is: What motivates humanity in so many areas of its existence? The obvious motivations: survival, power, comfort, health, freedom, control. There is a concern that religion is waning in society. More and more, people long for true insight, wisdom, understanding, and the power to re-create their lives. Not finding it in the organized religions and not yet certain as to a more viable alternative, they become compelled to look within and discover their truth for themselves, thereby owning it. No longer dependent upon others that seem not to have their answers.

You ask, “What is within them that holds so much magic and inspiration?” It is their own True Nature, our brother, the consciousness that is in harmony with the deeper, more essential nature of life and the qualities that it contains. Living the outer life without a growing and firm grasp of the truth behind that life seems to leave it at the mercy of misperceptions, misunderstanding, and a certain lack of innate cooperation and reasonableness. The outer life seems more real, more immediate, more consequential. A fuller understanding of the nature of life and their own existence has to come from within through a merging of the inner and outer life, that they become more and each demonstrating the proof of each other. A fuller, richer life includes the incarnate life.

Those who ponder the existence of life elsewhere, and its nature, see no possibility at such great distances and certainly not in their lifetime. But the fuller life, you see, is already there, wherever the interest lies. There are no secrets in life, only occlusions through self-imposed lack of awareness, of consciousness.

How does one move, then, from this to the confidence that more is available should they choose it? The pattern of achievement for the smallest thing is the same for everything. So when one considers achievements on a grand scale as more difficult, they apply that pattern of perception to everything. The smallest gains in awakening prove the achievement of the so-called larger ones.

Confidence is transferable to embracing all of life. Do not paint the moment with the anticipations of the next. Claim with confidence your birthright to know and to be all that you are. It’s always been with you and it is how you got here into this physical life. Your existence is proof of the larger you. Namaste.

May 16, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are far more than you know

JANU: What we speak of here this morning is the union of consciousnesses, the spiritual and the physical achieving a sort of parity, each walking through the journey of the other, in harmony, with a voice of oneness. No longer separated by perception or social conditioning or the ‘veil’ if you will. We have achieved this union before, the patterns of which are still current and effective. We shall increase these patterns into a fuller representation of their potential.

Much to understand about the reality of oneness and all that it can be. Generally speaking, life is in balance and in harmony and in motion and becoming richer every moment. Allowing oneness to be a reality in your life transforms it and does not diminish the integrity of individuality and uniqueness, but allows the integrity of all realities to become something more.

The journey of awakening is rich beyond your imagination. Many think of physicality and spirit as covering everything. It does not. For most, ‘spirit’ means non-physical. And ‘physical’ is limited to current perceptions. It has many layers and realities in existence. And it is the oneness reality of life that makes possible the journey in consciousness through all realities and to contribute through creative consciousness connected with these realities. Yes, there are protocols and levels of wisdom needed, but it is all there, our brother. Awakening once more is the path to all of this.

Incarnating is an experiment in exploring life and can be accomplished in many ways, with or without a veil, you see. But your True Nature has chosen the protocols, the wisdom of these protocols, and the path to overcome them. So, as you embrace your journeys of exploration, also embrace the wisdom behind them. Now the wisdom and experience of your True Nature is larger than this experiment, but this experiment, this journey is being added to it.

And, yes, your True Nature is not limited to this one journey. It has many other interests as well, many other associations. And there is a synergism effect affording even greater wisdom. Awakening to who you truly are is no small journey, our brother, but worth taking. Namaste.

May 15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The veil and beyond

JANU: Incarnating without the veil has its own set of challenges. It leads to a tendency to avoid challenge, take the ‘high road’ so to speak, and be more the observer than the participant. The veil is an option. The challenge is to apply it wisely and to find the conditions for its presence and its release. Without the veil, it is possible to discover answers to the questions about life without having to invest in life. So the benefit is different, the experience diminished, the depth of wisdom limited.

You ask, “What is the source of this so-called third dimension, that requires and offers so much?” It was created, our brother, and is still being created, modified, evolved to experience more of life’s potential and gain the wisdom to mature. Created initially as a manifestation of life’s potential. Other universes have a different take, if you will, on this potential. Yes, physicality exists beyond this universe but not all with the same parameters of existence. The so-called Laws of Nature can be modified, seemingly in defiance of the perception of permanence. Everything is transmutable and temporary.

So the veil, you see, is only a part of the process of life. A tool, if you will, to engage in new experience and own the understanding by way of experience. The veil can be lifted to varying degrees and re-established by its creator, the True Nature. Learning that it isn’t just you having a True Nature, but you are part of who you truly are in this larger way. And your destiny is to become one in consciousness, more and more. Namaste.
May 7, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Realization of your total identity

JANU: We are announcing the realization that there always comes a time when each one has a breakthrough moment in consciousness of self-realization, what the self really is, you see. This breakthrough moment is life changing, for the focus of existence is more permanent, more anchored in reality. You ask to describe this breakthrough moment. It is different for each one, our brother, but it has to do with thoughts, desires, concerns, frustrations, scattered perceptions coming together as one, resolved in an understanding of your nature and the flow of life.

It is not just that the presence of the True Nature is with you but the identity becomes far more complete. Yes, the True Nature is who you are eternally, but the rest of your existence, including the human journey, is giving depth, character, texture, flavor, and wisdom, and all of that is included in who you are. So, your identity is all of these, as part of that which lives on. Your identity as a human-being-only personality changes and grows, includes more and more. So does your True Nature, for it includes the human journey. In time, ‘we’ becomes ‘I’, the Capital I, if you will, meaning the complete you. Still in motion, still absorbing life, and still observing life.

This process may seem unique to your current consciousness and memories. This is not your first time, our brother. It is a universal experience, each one unique due to the diversity of life. And by no means the end of the journey. Just one more threshold, you see, in the evolution of life. Cherish the moments, for the next moment is not the same as the last. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

May 2, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Living free in your full identity

JANU: We are holding the focus for renewal for all of humanity. Otherwise stated: rebirth into who they truly are. This theme of life is growing and will become more dominant in the affairs of living. This rebirth is not a departure from incarnate life or incarnate concerns, but an expansion of consciousness to include so much more. And, in time, the identity includes all that you are. What a grand journey of experiences and wisdom and contribution to life!

What is awakening, then, but becoming fully aware of all that you are and, through that existence, access to understanding the rest of life? Everything will be perceived through a new perception, understood more profoundly, valuing each other beyond pettiness and competition and power struggles, finding peace behind everything, transmuting mis-creations into re-creations. Commitments to life are greater than one sojourn. Conscious incarnations by choice, even while mastering your life, anticipating the wonder of endless new adventures and discoveries.

These new understandings and perceptions lead to mutual support, helping each other realize their journeys and explorations. New associations with other worlds profoundly more meaningful, not only for humanity but for them as well. The reality of alternate existences, rungs of existence, are limitless as well in scope and diversity. Life without physical bodies is vast. Everything is changing, our brother, everything. No longer being ‘stuck,’ if you will, in social scenarios, patterns of living and relationships. Pioneers in human civilization are revered. In the new life, everyone pioneers in one way or another, exploring and sharing discoveries to help each other.

Freedom, our brother. Live in freedom and own the life that you are, settling for no less. Being free, living free, enhances life. Namaste.

Apr. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The passion to be

JANU:    The natural path of human consciousness, individually and collectively, is to become. Without a sense of that, the human becomes despondent, lacking hope, faith in the future, and any true peace of mind. The passion to be is the realization of potential, no matter the potential.

When asked, what would some say they wish to become? There is the obvious: health; prosperity; for some, power; for others, enlightenment; and for others, to serve life in some way; for some, to teach; for some, to build; for others, to explore the universe. The point of all of this is not “to be what?” but to evolve, to grow, to expand, to enrich and be enriched. To return in consciousness to the reality of their True Nature, what some call ‘the Divine,’ the Sacred within, a loving being. And freedom. All of these can manifest in different forms, if you will, different levels of reality and expressions of life. The passion to know and become the truth of their reality.

A valid question, our brother, is: What is your true passion in life? What would fulfill you? What would give you joy and peace? The answers change, evolve, but the passion remains. What is your passion? Ask the question, listen deeply for the understanding, find a way to fulfill. Namaste.

Apr. 10, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Investing in life

JANU:    We are building once more an understanding and this one pertains to goals and achievements on the journey of life. We speak much of awakening here, but in a way awakening is the result of goals and achievements in consciousness and its investment in wherever you are, whether physicality, other worlds, other realities. The investment in life that you are capable of affords your experience to include greater opportunity to serve life. A life that invests in life is at one with the realization of potential through your True Nature.

And you ask, “What sort of investments produce the results of awakening?” The investments, our brother, are given to life, given to others, and they have a profound quality of a love for life that becomes your identity. Some have referred to this as Christ consciousness, a love for all life. The form this love takes depends upon the service and the need. Being an observer only is not the engagement we speak of here. Investing who you are is.

Become a blessing for others, without drawing attention to yourself. Become the invisible server that is part of your destiny. Enrich the atmosphere of life for others to partake of. Invest in True Peace that opens the channel within each one to creativity and the flow of life. Be a channel for blessings, insights, the Truth of Life, that people can find within them all that they need, as they choose. No longer just the observer, our brother, but one who invests in life what they have gained. Namaste.

Apr. 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The True Nature of non-human life

JANU:    You have asked about the True Natures of other life forms, the non-human creatures of your world and those no longer incarnate. May we say this about that: There always comes a time when understanding moves beyond current convention. For each incarnate life form, the Essential Nature continues beyond physical life, for it exists before and during incarnation.

Now, humanity favors the notion that their superiority to the non-human life of the world means that theirs is the only life form with a divine True Nature. This is not so. The self-awareness of a non-human creature of the Earth is quite different but it exists. And when bonding occurs with a human being, a remnant of this survives. The subtler realities of life are not just reserved for human spirit. There are realms of life suitable to and created by the consciousness of non-human life. The simplistic perspective of life beyond physicality does not mean diverse realities do not exist.

Why would a human being have a True Nature in spirit, and not another creature? It sure would not describe a balanced life. An awakened humanity—more awake than it is, you see—would perceive the consciousness of the creatures of the Earth with greater intimacy, communication, understanding. Humanity’s use of verbal communication and language does not apply well to the consciousness of other creatures, because humanity for the most part does not entertain the possibility. Now, so-called animal lovers, gardeners, those who love plants and nature approach this, you see.

Once again, awakening opens new opportunities to be conscious of life and its diverse reality, but it is difficult to let go of old ways and open to new ones. This is why we say, “Proceed slowly.” Gently move into your future, the larger you, and the Family of Life. A rewarding journey, you see, being true to your own True Nature. Namaste.

Apr. 2, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross