New Journeys

Prayer and blessings

JANU: We are exploring the reality that attuned prayer is powerful indeed. Prayer evolves in its potential and its service, in its capability, according to many things, including the commitment and understanding of the one praying, the receptivity of the one receiving, and the wisdom behind it all. To initiate or call for a prayer does not require a profound understanding of the need of another, but a growing sense of the presence of life, capable of such, and through that sense leaving all doubt behind. The call for a blessing allows for the elements of life to constitute the blessing in a perfect way. So why not initiate a blessing when there’s an inner call to do so, as one observes life around them? Now, observation, our brother, is not limited to eyesight but includes inner knowing, empathy and connection, sensitivity to the challenges of living.

Specific blessing can occur when attuned with understanding to a specific need. But even then acknowledges the source of the blessing is larger. You ask, “Can one effectively ask a blessing for themselves?” The answer is yes, our brother, still acknowledging the source of the blessing is larger than themselves, which may include insights into changes in lifestyle, attitude and consciousness, emotions, and self-appraisal. Or may observe the presence of a being or beings appearing in different ways as involved with the blessing, but allowing your consciousness that these beings are part of a larger life, a larger wisdom, and are well suited to the blessing. And always let there be a foundation of gratitude that life is in motion and responds to prayer.

So, don’t hesitate to pray for blessings. For prayed for in this way, no harm can come. Namaste.

May 1, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mother Earth

JANU:    We are considering the Earth as part of the human journey. Can there be any doubt that countless realities of the life of the Earth, including all of its creatures, vegetation, natural occurrences, so-called forces of nature, processes beyond number, have contributed to the evolution and content of the human journey, with many opportunities to gain wisdom and insight? More than just a platform of life to survive on, but a dynamic and long-lived reality. As we have said before, gratitude opens the channel of the flow of life and its blessings. This includes the Earth, our brother. It is part of the flow of life, with countless blessings for all of the life that it is and supports.

How many in humanity cherish and treasure the bounty of the Earth and strive to connect with and communicate, understand nature? The physical human body is very much part of that nature. Is it not made of the Earth? Explore then the links of the human physical existence to the planet it is made of. And think you that the Earth is only physical? It is not. It is many levels of consciousness, life if you will. And the Earth and the physical body respond to each other in so many ways. Hence the name Mother Earth.

This relationship and its potential have always been understood as part of the human experiment. Physical life and spiritual life are on the same page, our brother. The deity that humanity has created for itself is also part of the nature of the Earth.

The Wheeyah Code series is designed to awaken humanity to the life that the Earth is. Those that designed and created these globes understood this and knew that, in time, human consciousness would advance to the point of appreciating this reality. And these Codes, when experienced, enhance the process, you see. Humanity’s sciences,   researchers and explorers, have achieved a great deal of understanding, but there is so much more. Consumption and depletion of the Earth’s resources is only necessary when human consciousness is unaware of grander possibilities.

Becoming conscious of the Earth, and the full range of its existence, is an essential part of human awakening. Miraculous potentials are all around humanity and are of the Earth. Namaste.

Apr. 8, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Elemental patterns of life

JANU: What we address this morning is the elemental nature of life that exists as the patterns, blueprints if you will, but living patterns that are the reference for manifestation. They are key ingredients in the creation of life and life’s creations.

Now, what life means to many is a product of this, these patterns. Patterns are created for manifestation to be guided and develop. The elementals of life are the product of thoughtful creation. Realize, there is a hierarchy to life, each ingredient, each element essential. A consciousness in harmony with these patterns is in harmony with the creator of them. You could describe these as thought-forms, which are the framework for manifestation. And they are in motion as well, ever changing, for the looping reality of life allows for re-creation influenced by how life unfolds.

You have asked about the design of the human vehicle and where it comes from. This is part of the source of the human design and evolution. Elementals, elemental patterns, but are shaped by, designed by, the many structures of life, their interactions, and what they produce. All under the auspices of the eternal nature of Life itself.

Much to become aware of and understand as to the hierarchy of life, an eternal ongoing reality that is constantly changing. For life is in motion, all of it, but it is still a system of life. Many orders of subtlety compared to gross physical manifestation, but includes this as well. To be in harmony with the flow of life does not mean a lack of individual initiative, creativity, desire, and service. All of this and more is part of Life in motion.

Humanity continues to seek to understand the so-called Source of Life. It is understood through the countless systems of life, their interactions, their function and purpose, their evolution, their nature. And as you do, you understand—or begin to—who and what you are in a larger and larger way. How do you define in words the source of that which is eternal?

Apr. 14, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The identity free being  

JANU: We are establishing a corridor of sorts between realities. This corridor is constructed of, in some cases ectoplasm, in others a kind of neural energy, and in others thought or mental energy. Today’s corridor provides opportunity to establish direct connection into the realm of transmigrational journeying. By this we mean, establishing a foothold or platform into the esoteric consciousness of non-identity.

Now, what could we be speaking of here but the reality of being free to explore any reality identity neutral. The advantage of this is the ability to relate, or should we say appreciate, any part of life without alteration, modification to conform to anticipated perceptions of reality, to observe and touch life freely. This yields an understanding of any reality without prejudice.

You ask, “How does life benefit from this?” It does so by absorbing the imprint of life, of its creations and realities as they are. The wisdom from this builds precepts for the structures of life to continue the orders, the symmetry, the creativity without the realization of potential being limited.

This is a new way of living to your current experience. A level of serving life without limiting it. For, you see, a perception of self-identity is a limitation, with parameters. We are speaking here of an element of cosmic consciousness, a beginning. This direction of evolution in consciousness leaves the need for identity behind. Every time you reach to know, still with a sense of identity or wondering what your identity is, sets parameters, limitations to perception and understanding.

Pursue this adjustment in consciousness carefully and peacefully. There are times for identity and moments of no identity. Pure Being, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The passion to be

JANU:    The natural path of human consciousness, individually and collectively, is to become. Without a sense of that, the human becomes despondent, lacking hope, faith in the future, and any true peace of mind. The passion to be is the realization of potential, no matter the potential.

When asked, what would some say they wish to become? There is the obvious: health; prosperity; for some, power; for others, enlightenment; and for others, to serve life in some way; for some, to teach; for some, to build; for others, to explore the universe. The point of all of this is not “to be what?” but to evolve, to grow, to expand, to enrich and be enriched. To return in consciousness to the reality of their True Nature, what some call ‘the Divine,’ the Sacred within, a loving being. And freedom. All of these can manifest in different forms, if you will, different levels of reality and expressions of life. The passion to know and become the truth of their reality.

A valid question, our brother, is: What is your true passion in life? What would fulfill you? What would give you joy and peace? The answers change, evolve, but the passion remains. What is your passion? Ask the question, listen deeply for the understanding, find a way to fulfill. Namaste.

Apr. 10, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the veil

JANU:    Understanding the veil, indeed, our brother. So common in the human experience, so little understood. Let us proceed in this direction of understanding as we progress with the awakening of humanity.

Awakening, you see, is not just overcoming the veil, but the development of character, personality, consciousness, integrity, and commitment to bring the truth of the larger life into the human experience. And not just for humanity’s sake, you see, but for the sake of the maturity, evolution of the physical part of life.

Those that incarnate into humanity have experienced physicality without the use of the veil. What this results in is a consciousness that meanders in and out of incarnation. Shall we say: a limited form of incarnation, not experiencing and learning the qualities we outlined, for there was no need. It was too easy not to.

These restrictions on consciousness are self-imposed, not by human personality but by the True Nature. It also provides a level playing field, if you will, for those who do incarnate. For one not to be taken unduly advantage of, during the journey, by others. The veil becoming more porous is the result of developing these qualities to where the consciousness becomes a blessing for the human experience and supports its potential and destiny.

You ask, “Where does the veil reside? How does it function?” Its reality is not for the manipulation of or analysis of the unawakened mind, for truly it would be interfered with and abuse would ensue in relationship with others in one’s own life. Witness those who have developed psychic abilities while incarnate, many of which take advantage, not to be of greater service but to become dominant and gain advantage. Enlightened and awakened beings realize that True Power has always been theirs. Unawakened see power as an advantage. True Power serves, our brother, has always been, and requires nothing from another. Apparent power requires everything of that nature from another being to ensure advantage. It has cycles of existence. Nothing eternal about it, you see.

The veil is the Great Regulator of the journey of consciousness into the regions of life that are evolving. Your expansion of consciousness and perception is an indicator of your maturity. The veil is not your enemy. It is your guarantor of your own making. Patience, peace, commitment, love of self and others, forgiveness, allowing, and service. These are on your path to freedom, our brother. Build your wisdom into the nature of life and who you are. Be diligent. Namaste.

Apr. 12, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Path

JANU:    Common speech speaks of being on the path of life, the path of one’s own journey into the so-called Light, travelling the ‘straight and narrow.’ Yet experience suggests that life’s journey is neither straight nor narrow. It is filled with choices, opportunities and challenges, experimentation, perception and misperception, to gain wisdom through experience and the application of a growing understanding. Even strong commitments have lapses, reversals, and renewals.

So what is this path that is spoken of? It belongs to an arcane set of understandings having to do with rituals. Life, evolution, destiny, experience, choices are not a ritual, our brother, but life in motion. And the motion includes everything.

Quite often, people search for purpose and meaning, absolutes in understanding. That is not the nature of the path. The closest thing to absolutes is that you are one with life and each other and worthy of all that comes your way, worthy of love and peace and the flow of life. Your worthiness has nothing to do with rituals, has everything to do with: you’re an expression of life and a True Nature that loves and enriches life just by being.

So, live as you may. Serve as you may. Grow as you may. Reach for understanding as you may. Be about living, invest in life, love each other, and continue. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Investing in life

JANU:    We are building once more an understanding and this one pertains to goals and achievements on the journey of life. We speak much of awakening here, but in a way awakening is the result of goals and achievements in consciousness and its investment in wherever you are, whether physicality, other worlds, other realities. The investment in life that you are capable of affords your experience to include greater opportunity to serve life. A life that invests in life is at one with the realization of potential through your True Nature.

And you ask, “What sort of investments produce the results of awakening?” The investments, our brother, are given to life, given to others, and they have a profound quality of a love for life that becomes your identity. Some have referred to this as Christ consciousness, a love for all life. The form this love takes depends upon the service and the need. Being an observer only is not the engagement we speak of here. Investing who you are is.

Become a blessing for others, without drawing attention to yourself. Become the invisible server that is part of your destiny. Enrich the atmosphere of life for others to partake of. Invest in True Peace that opens the channel within each one to creativity and the flow of life. Be a channel for blessings, insights, the Truth of Life, that people can find within them all that they need, as they choose. No longer just the observer, our brother, but one who invests in life what they have gained. Namaste.

Apr. 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding motivations

JANU: We are getting a handle on, so to speak, the nature of inquiry into the eternal struggle to survive by manifest life. What we see here is the urge to continue, fundamental to existence, has to do with the universal thrust of Life manifested in creation, which opens the door to considering the reality of fundamental of universal life.

“What then,” you ask, “is common for all manifest life?” Survival, yes, but more than that, expanding consciousness and the co-existence of mutual intimacy and diversity. You ask why is this important to know, our brother. It is because these are universal realities that can be seen in the heart of every endeavor, helping to understand motivations. When motivations are conscious ones, fundamentally understood and maintained, the syndromes of frustration, depression and the like, apathy, which have their root in loss of consciousness, are replaced with the primary motivations to experience and participate in more of life.

A worthy study for each one is what motivates you and do your motivations involve others in a mutually beneficial way. Understanding what motivates you in any area of your life is a key ingredient to self-fulfillment and mastery. Every creature has motivations, many instinctual, some thought out, but all subject to change and evolution. To understand another species, another being, their motivations reveal where they are in life, what’s important to them, what they serve. Consider carefully your own and understand them and stand in your truth, free to move on. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 26, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Overcoming self-loathing

JANU: We are examining your inquiry as to the nature of the inhumanity heaped upon each other by humanity. One by one, the consciousness of those doing harm upon each other comes from self-loathing. Some attempt to relieve the pressure of this on others, and some on themselves. When one truly loves who they are, how can they not love another? Loving your power over others is not what we speak of. Loving in harmony with your True Nature and the flow of life is.

So how does one inspire humanity to truly love themselves? By showing they are worthy of love, our brother. By loving them in an unending variety of ways, in your consciousness, in your deeds. Self-love is not selfish. It is generosity, patience, and peace, the value placed upon your existence. Honor the life that you are, through self-love and caring for others. Not carrying them but inspiring them with small things that can reach deeply, turning their attention on their worthiness and not on you. Support their journey in life with encouragement. Focus on their strengths, the sources of creativity bringing strength of character when confronting challenges. See what they see as ‘weaknesses’ as challenges to become stronger, by way of the strengths they already possess.

Richness from within overcomes self-loathing and any need to visit this on another. No matter the depravity, these victories are possible. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 25, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross