New Journeys


JANU: We have here, on this day, a portrayal of life that depicts the many coexisting layers of reality and the challenge for finite rational mind to walk that path and make sense of it. These patterns are so constructed because that is the nature of existence. Not one thing at a time but, in a sense, everything at once. As life processes itself, by way of you, by way of all of us, your selective attention allows for finite mind to maintain a semblance of order and rationality, choosing to deal with as little or as much as it decides. Not an issue, then, of right or wrong, success or failure, but more a reality of choices and their results. Life can be engaged in so many different ways. How can one point a finger at one over another? So choose, our brother, life paths, multiple paths without regret or disappointment, for there is always another with countless possibilities.

So you see, your station in life, subject to many changes, is always your choice. A simplification but: as a child choosing what to play at next keeps absorbing experience, learning and growing. Why not then just choose to live and be and marvel at the journey and what it brings, living in peace? If life is in you and with you and will always respond to your choices and, in turn, you enrich it by making them and experiencing them and changing, why not be at peace through all of this? And enjoy the journey, as do we. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 2, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Inner Wealth

JANU: We are orienting this journey to include the disposition of blessings for humanity. These blessings come in the form of being attuned to and inspiring mutual tolerance and patience, allowing encouragement and love for each other. Yes, the Angelic Host, the angels, have always been part of this blessing. We see more and more of humanity choosing this course, this path. There are still those filled with the opposite, shutting out, if you will, their True Natures. And as they see this movement flower, they do not understand it. It brings confusion for what they hold onto so tightly has no place, and they fear this. But life is patient and moves forward. And love and patience are eternal and survive and grow.

Evidence of this is the well-being of the body flourishing in the presence of inner peace, joy and gratitude and service to others. These things are the source of prosperity for any nation, making it possible to experience and know you are wealthy regardless of your possessions and power in society. Being ‘at peace’ regardless of material possessions or wealth is unmistakable. The discovery of inner wealth, and the building of this, changes your outlook on everything. Especially discovering who you are.

So make the journey of discovering your True Power, your true wealth, and the clarity to see more. And from this understanding and position of wealth look around you, observe others, and encourage them to find their wealth. Having nothing to do with possessions, but everything to do with how you use them. Namaste.

Dec. 8, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Brotherhood of True Peace

JANU: We bring a message from a brotherhood that delivers a service to the consciousness of those reaching for the true power of peace and a connection with the Family of Life. This brotherhood enjoys true freedom and understands that freedom is a shared experience, as all of life is connected, and the lack of freedom in the consciousness of those remains in the life experience of everyone and cannot be ignored.

This brotherhood serves life by being present everywhere, true to its nature of a deepening peace. There is a warmth and comfort to its presence in anyone or any group, and in all of life. Even though this brotherhood lives in True Peace, it is conscious of those who do not but aspire to, and these aspirations attract their attention. So their message, our brother, is not words but that warmth, that living presence of a True Peace that does not find fault but loves life, remembering each one is a divine being not identified by any circumstance or imposed condition of living.

Everyone is a worthwhile and loved being, and accepting this truth clears the consciousness to understand and experience their birthright as a unique and wondrous creation of life and worthy of their love for themselves. Each one is a living miracle, a treasure in the Family of Life, and their incarnation is an opportunity to share this with each other. So share the truth of your being. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 9, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas Message

JANU:   We are surveying this Christmas season of the Earth and enjoying the goodwill it brings, even across religions, cultures. It brings a glow to the Earth, which is a reminder to humanity of what can endure throughout the year: a moment’s kindness, patience, tolerance, giving, graciously receiving, supporting an appreciation for life and future possibilities. Granted, this is co-existing with the more materialistic motivations, but a wondrous glow, nonetheless.

There have been so many traditions expressed throughout human history. Be mindful that there are many other traditions not identified with Christmas, with the same result. And they all contribute to humanity’s freedom. Why not, then, bless everyone you can, child, adult, creature of the Earth? Be part of the collective joy, focusing it, strengthening it, purifying it, at every opportunity.

When a child delights in a gift, delight at the child’s happiness, which is the true gift. And, as some do, provide the child with an opportunity to give that blessing to someone else. Children universally find joy in giving to others. It is their nature. Allow them to express it. It will stay with them through their lives, reminding them of who they truly are.

Happiness, our brother, brings people together, wanting to share their joy. May this become a constant in the affairs of humanity. We benefit from your joy as well and are delighted that it is there. Season’s greetings and namaste.

Dec. 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Thresholds to come

JANU:    Let us be enlightened, this time, on some of the peaks to be reached on this journey, or should we say thresholds, for each achievement leads to another.

One such threshold will be clear vision and choice. Another threshold will be well-being in the body. Another threshold: true peace of mind. Another threshold: the gift of insight into everything, including others. Another threshold: direct communication with the creatures of the Earth, in their own knowing. Another threshold: the gift of healing, as others touch the ‘hem of the garment’ and heal themselves, marveling at the beauty of life that they are. Another threshold: the gift of traveling in consciousness, with profound clarity. Another threshold: intimate communication and connection with lifestreams in other realities and on other worlds. Another threshold: the ability to radiate peace and encouragement. Another threshold: the witnessing of the alternative to religion to meet the needs of awakening people into new life and mastery.

So you see, our brother, the future is rich with opportunity, better in every way, certainly worthy of the journey. Namaste.

Nov. 29, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Pattern matching

JANU: We are establishing this evening a routine that brings about a solid foundation for revealing the flow of life. The routine we speak of is signified by the configuration of consciousness that brings about rapport with the essential patterns of life, seeing then revelations of the Truth of Life as recognizable and understandable patterns in the tapestry of life.

How then does one begin the process of pattern recognition and comprehension? It is done by correlating it to the manifestations of the patterns, you see. Now you ask, “What does a pattern look like? How is it presented?” It is presented in your auric field and your consciousness, as a visitor. The presentation will depend upon the sensitivities and preferences, and the character and consciousness of the individual. It’s not a thing or an object but a life presence with vitality.

These patterns have revealed themselves always, for, understand this, our brother, life communicates with life in both directions. Life plays a role around you and these patterns of understanding have always been there and sensed without understanding what is being sensed. Patterns are created by other consciousnesses. This is how life replicates itself and communicates. Setting up a pattern in your own consciousness of particular attribute attunes to other patterns and the sharing ensues. Patterns of healing can be generated and communicated to another.

This does not limit this reality. We have called this process before ‘pattern matching.’ So become conscious of the patterns of life, and your own, and communicate. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Nov. 20, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Serving the Awakening process

JANU: First of all, our brother, awakening for humanity is a natural process, which includes countless elements of awakening. The nature and character, timing, and path of unfoldment are unique to each one. Awakening is not one thing but countless moments of realization. Exploration and ownership of one’s own consciousness tested on each other. Humanity is not the first species to walk this path. In fact, humanity has always been walking this path.

At the moment of first consciousness, awakening begins. How to survive? What works and what doesn’t? And, in some ways, being together and needing each other is part of the formula of survival. Imagining all sorts of explanations for what is observed. Humanity has always wanted the answers immediately, for immediate relief from the pressure and challenge of not knowing. But becoming aware of anything is life, understanding it and making it practical is a process. Life, in its wisdom, does not reveal everything at once, even though you ask for it.
And you ask, “Why does it take so long to understand and master anything?” From the larger perspective of Life, it takes no time at all. So even that desire is relative to what? When you put timeframes on such matters, you imprison them, so to speak, that they no longer be free to ‘just be.’ Quest mightily on your path of awakening but allow Life its timing and wisdom for each revelation, that these revelations can process into your life, your experience. Be fueled with confidence that every desire, every quest is known. Being at peace, our brother, does not mean inactivity from questing or engaging life and embracing its opportunities. But you do these things in harmony with life and the natural ability of your existence.
Awakening is an unending process worthy of contribution and care. Continue to serve, our brother, without limiting requirements, but a joy in the service, for life is enriched by it, all of life. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Nov. 24, 2014 B                                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Railing against authority seems to be a theme throughout much of the community, festering for some time and festering still. The position of and consciousness of authority in society needs to evolve as well from one of ‘control over’ to encouragement and support of the personal ownership of inner authority. The peace we speak of so often does not speak of being controlled, but being in control and in harmony with your own existence and the life that you are. Once again, responding to life is a more successful relationship than reacting to it.

Authority would do well to reexamine its role in society, and the results of it. The individual would do well to reexamine the choices they make and the results. Humanity would do well to reexamine the peace it achieves through the violence of wars.

Simply put, our brother, measure your philosophies, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, relationships, conduct, statements, diet, conditions of the body by the results of your choices, the results of these. Life is constantly giving you feedback on how you’re doing. We are not suggesting perfection here, but a way to observe your evolution in life, your progress, your contributions and benefits. Having a constant dialogue with life in this way is empowering. Namaste.
Dec. 1, 2014                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are enumerating today on the subject of fortitude. Awakening, evolving, growing, learning, engaging, and co-creating take fortitude, commitment, a light heart and a joy for living, a love of life and a love for learning.

Where does the strength and the commitment come from to move in these directions? It comes from the growing understanding and appreciation of the nature of your experiences and associations achieved and what these achieve. It comes from an honest appraisal of where you are and where you’ve been and the achievements to come. It comes from a growing sense of the richness of life and the richness yet unaware of. It comes from the promise that life never stops creating, renewing, and enhancing what is. It comes from a growing confidence in all of this, and the realization that there is no alternative to being.

Your fortitude is reinforced by the limitless resources that life offers. And why would it not? For you are that life and, in some sense, the creator of those resources. And above all of this, our brother, you are loved by all of life, including your own True Nature and that will never leave you, or fail you, or abandon you, for you are one. Timetables, deadlines, artificial demands and constraints are an illusion. All of this unfolding, this process, continues beyond your concepts of time.

So find peace in the strength of your fortitude to continue to process life and to enjoy it. Do so as part of the Family of Life, as do we. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Nov. 30, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A balanced life

JANU: As we survey the landscape of human consciousness and destiny, let us summarize, painting with one brush, that all is well. Now, you say, “How can this be said, in the face of the conflicts and turmoil of the day?” It can, our brother, because they are minor compared to the power, the true power of life, potential, destiny, and love of life. For, yes, even in humanity’s protestations, angers, and arguments, humanity would rather live than not. And where life is unbearable for a few, their heart’s desire is for life to be better, that it might be enjoyed. So the quest continues to live as fully as possible.

For this morning’s journey, let us consider the larger view when challenged by the lesser moments of struggle and confusion. This balance in perspective is a true strength and must be encouraged for the engagement of living to continue. For even those who entertain taking their lives, there is still hope that after transition there lies Heaven, and peace, love, light, friendship, and life everlasting. Understand, our brother, that transition called death is not required to experience that beauty. It will always exist and is part of the one life and can be known and embraced, whether incarnate or not, bringing much relief, perspective, inner strength, and enduring patience for the natural evolution of life.

Remember that the larger view of reality is one with, inherent in, any lesser view. It is all one, all redeemable, and all of value. It is wise to endeavor to place your observations and concerns in a larger perspective for balance, for equilibrium for each day. Humanity considers its existence as relatively private and alone in the universe. It depends on your perspective, our brother, the view taken, and the balance. And the balanced approach to embracing life considers everything, not just a moment of challenge or confusion.
This reality is within your being and has always been there, while you continue to grow into it. A balanced life, our brother, is wondrous indeed. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross