The Council of Corrections and Alignments

JANU: The Council of Corrections and Alignments exists to ensure the purity and quality of life’s creations, in the sense of honoring protocols of integrity in the flow of life. For many who come to these understandings, there is much confusion and uncertainty as to proceeding in a beneficial manner in the natural order of life. This Council endeavors to bring clarity to decision-making, intention, and influences upon other integrities that co-exist. Our arrangement of service is subject to this, and we always endeavor to meet these protocols. In a very real sense, this Council is formed by and maintained by life’s natural integrity. Do not misunderstand. The opportunities of life, your choices and experiences, are relatively unlimited but do not include the loss of integrity of life itself.

This Council does not make itself known, directly. But understanding its contribution to the Family of Life has merit. Its influence is not unlike each one’s ‘still small voice’ of inner conscience, that so-called sense of right and wrong, acceptable/unacceptable, creative/destructive. And it goes much deeper than that, our brother. Your very existence is part of the flow of life. Their well-being, on all levels, is part of your integrity, in harmony with the source of your being.

Consciousness and conscience are not necessarily the same. The first is ‘being aware of.’ The second is your True Nature. Honor them both with your perceptions of life, your choices, and your contribution. Awaken continuously and become all you can be. Namaste.

Dec. 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Brotherhood of True Peace

JANU: We bring a message from a brotherhood that delivers a service to the consciousness of those reaching for the true power of peace and a connection with the Family of Life. This brotherhood enjoys true freedom and understands that freedom is a shared experience, as all of life is connected, and the lack of freedom in the consciousness of those remains in the life experience of everyone and cannot be ignored.

This brotherhood serves life by being present everywhere, true to its nature of a deepening peace. There is a warmth and comfort to its presence in anyone or any group, and in all of life. Even though this brotherhood lives in True Peace, it is conscious of those who do not but aspire to, and these aspirations attract their attention. So their message, our brother, is not words but that warmth, that living presence of a True Peace that does not find fault but loves life, remembering each one is a divine being not identified by any circumstance or imposed condition of living.

Everyone is a worthwhile and loved being, and accepting this truth clears the consciousness to understand and experience their birthright as a unique and wondrous creation of life and worthy of their love for themselves. Each one is a living miracle, a treasure in the Family of Life, and their incarnation is an opportunity to share this with each other. So share the truth of your being. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 9, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross