New Journeys

Can Life Know Itself? In countless ways

JANU:  I am Janu speaking, returning once again to this subject of the self-awareness of life. We have established that life can know itself, and does. But in what manner does this take place?

Life’s awareness is not being delivered by anything separate than life itself, for all that exists, all that transpires, all that evolves is life. How then can it not know itself? Observe an infant manipulating its toes and fingers, and arms, legs, discovering its reality, capabilities, sensations, and interactions with its surroundings. Life is constantly doing this as new expressions of life’s potential become viable, interactive, and evolve. Life’s manifestations are the extremities and the workings of the infant and, in life’s case, the environment is also its reality. And life remembers everything. So repetition is for refinement and exploring unlimited variables and their consequences.

You ask if life can be conscious of other universes, other realities? The answer is yes, for what is not life? Now you ask if a pencil can be aware of a piece of paper, for are they not both life? The individual elements of life are not conscious as all of life in their manifestation. The root of their existence is, but not the consciousness they use. And is not necessary for them to fulfill their function, their intended purpose. So what we speak of here is the first principle of life, the root of its being, which is behind all creations and is knowable in zero point consciousness, as explained previously.

Life’s consciousness is adapted to the manifestations, nature, and function. Not all elements of life and creation have the same consciousness. Witness the human being’s unawareness of its own True Nature as a Light being, for the physical existence, personality ego don’t require this to survive, although its existence is linked to its True Nature. Interaction with manifest life is crucial to the evolution of manifest life, and the destiny of these journeys is enriched by a growing awareness of more and more of reality.

All of life has a common root, but not all of manifest life functions the same. The diversity is life’s richness and continues to grow, to evolve and fulfill its potential. The character of life cannot be painted with one brush and understood in this way. Life knows itself in countless ways, manifestations, and elements of consciousness. This system of life is wondrous to behold and worthy of admiration, respect, and honoring.

Nov. 18, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Human Family: Self-examination

JANU:   We encourage this, then this morning, for you to take a look at the scenario of embrace when Earth humanity discovers its roots, if you will, on other worlds. Virtually everything in human experience—perceptions, values, traditions, and visions of its future—will come under self-examination. The larger human family has already explored many of Earth humanity’s ideals, conflicts, social adjustments, and technologies. Religion, of course, will be an item of comparison with anything equivalent on other human worlds.

This will be a time of self-examination. The changes to society and the human experience of the Earth will be unsettled but slow to implement. The uncertainties on many levels of life will cause jitters, so to speak, in the economies of the world, for the future will seem very uncertain and the path to it a mystery. Humanity of the Earth will find some comfort as they realize that some human worlds have yet to achieve what humanity has in experimenting with life. Not all human world’s lifestyles will be compatible with that of the Earth, for their circumstances are different. Other human worlds, a few of them, have visited Earth—a very few—and know something of its current conditions. A contributing factor to the slow mutual influence will be the great distances, which will set the pace for a growing awareness.

Let us favor, then, an Earth humanity open to the possibilities and the self-examination beginning even now. For life transcends distance and instant knowing is part of life. For those who embrace self-examination, change is now, our brother, and more to come. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2013                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The Nature of Service: The joy of service

JANU:   Enjoying service is a natural experience for it brings fulfillment and victories to life. Service continues to change as needed for the development of potential. When another receives a blessing and they find peace and relief and joy, and a deeper faith in the presence and power of life, one living in the joy of service shares in this because of oneness.

Service is an intimate activity and is accomplished when the elements of life involved respond. Service enriches the giver and the receiver. Even a moment of service can change the direction of a life, bring a moment of clarity to decision-making. At times, service is nothing more than helping someone discover their own resources.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Nov. 11, 2013 B                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



What is color?

JANU:    Let us explore then the role color plays in any reality. It is obvious for the visual portion of the human experience, but what about other realities, you see? Colors are shifts in frequency, the perception depends upon what is perceiving or sensing these frequencies, the eyes having a very limited range. The mind perception is much broader but interpretation becomes an issue, without a frame of reference. Experiencing the perception of colors or frequencies outside of optical sense is quite a different experience.

Much transpires in life that cannot be seen optically but can be perceived in other ways. Let us explore some of these. A sense of temperature can perceive what is not seen. A sense of pressure or presence can detect what is not seen. Direct knowing can perceive these changes. A varying sense of well-being can detect these. Degrees of understanding or enlightenment can partner with these. Your auric field can respond to these. The emotional body can respond to these.

What meaning then does a different frequency of an element of life have for the observer?  It has to do with pattern-matching, for connection and communication and assistance. It is useful for determining and achieving countless realities of life and exploring them. One can scan, so to speak, the range of realities and options, past, present, or future. Optical color perception is a very narrow band, then, of perceiving life.

Sensitizing oneself to finer perceptions is achievable. This includes the emanations from those who would communicate one thing and mean another. These frequencies are the Truth of Life, the Light of Life, and are knowable and render your existence, your perceptions, more truthful for better decision-making and service.

Consider these, our brother, as options on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Nov. 9, 2013                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

Zero point journeying

JANU:   Let us continue our approach to the many forms of journeying. We discussed consciousness (these attunements), Light Body (see posting of Oct. 23) , etheric doubling (see posting of Sept. 8), of course physical journeying.

Let us add one more to this mix, if you will, and that being what one might call “zero point” journeying. This meaning connection with, and awareness of, expressions of life at one common point of origin, a root reality, a zero point. When connected in this way, one achieves maximum or total awareness of any element of life at its source, which is yours as well, our brother, for life does have a zero point, a common reference. And this is the True Nature of everything.

And as you attune to this reality, there are many elements of life conscious in this way and the one-pointedness of the human mind must give way to simultaneous awareness of the nature of life’s expressions. Initially, the protocol for this connection is one of peace, love of life, respect for integrity, and no judgment of any kind. Your agenda is simply to be aware. Life expression from this zero point, in its many forms, purposes, capabilities, character, is its own business, if you will, and develops or evolves from that point as its life chooses.

The nature of zero point consciousness is the reality of oneness. All of life is one life, comprised of many. Zero point is not a collection of facets of life, but the Pure Being of life. From zero point, all of life’s elements and expressions are known. Let us take a moment, then, and attune to zero point. Yes, as you can see, even the entire universe, this universe, is known.

Truly, in this reality, you are already there throughout all of life expression and, from a point of view, no traveling or journeying is involved. You are one in awareness with all of life. That is correct. You are beginning to experience this.

Allow this to linger in consciousness as we bid you namaste.

Oct. 29, 2013                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross




The “Dazen” attempting communication with other worlds

JANU: There are those who reach for contact with other worlds, even as your SETI does on the Earth. What we serve this evening are those who reach to make contact.

There is one world of humanity particularly that does so reach, but they do so with energetic transmission that is unlike your electromagnetic propagation. Their transmissions have reached the Earth before but gone undetected, for they operate with a form of energy that is subtler, less dense, and similar to the energy of thought projection, of which they are capable and can amplify such. When we have our communication with other worlds, it is not accomplished through your common form of energy. This world we speak of uses an energy as a medium of transmission impressed with a focus of thought manifested, to a degree, to emulate intuition. There are worlds who have achieved this technology and will one day soon respond, but Earth is not one of them yet. So theirs is a combination of technology, subtle energy, and thought impression.

The world we speak of call themselves the ‘Dazen’ and we are attuning to a new transmission, which is formed by patterns more than language, spoken language. Where the nature of these patterns, when perceived, guide one to respond in the direction of the logic of these. What they are seeking here is a patterned response that, in their opinion, could lead to compatibility of species, rather than conflict and distrust. So what we understand here is their motivation and purpose for the transmission. They use this system because they have achieved success with it, between known factions and with other human worlds similarly advanced.

Our service this evening is to support their efforts with insight into anticipating what other worlds are capable of detecting and understanding.

Oct. 17, 2013 B                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

The nature of freedom

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, ranging our interests this morning to include a look back at the momentum of life. This life unfolds regionally and locally. Life also unfolds universally. The universal reality of the unfolding of life, its movement, its becoming, is a useful barometer of local flows of life. Universally speaking, in the largest sense, even life has cycles of existence, but the Source of that life is beyond that, beyond cycles.

“Is the Source of Life ‘life’?” you ask. Yes, and no, conditionally, for the life you are beginning to understand has cycles of existence within it. Remembering that the Source of All Life and all life are one. Difficult for binary mind to grasp, but it must be considered and pondered and allowed to temper perceptions of reality. Life exists. The Source of Life is. The difference in understanding is profound.

And why would one consider this understanding relevant to their lives? A valid question. It is relevant, our brother, because you are exploring the source of your own life, and when doing so, one discovers the dynamics, the mechanisms, the realities of your own being. For, in a very real sense, because of the oneness, you are the Source of your own life. Most do not understand or appreciate their oneness with the so-called ‘Divine,’ the Creator. They are of the Creator, which accounts for co-creator.

Most consider their identity to be ‘humanity’ which is the source of their fears, you see. But when one is awakened to the reality of their True Nature, nothing can be lost or damaged or taken away, so where is the need for fear? The sovereign being is not identified with physicality, materiality, possessions, social consciousness. A sovereign being owns their identity and their relationships with manifest life, and is free to move with or away from such limitations, such identifications, for the sovereign being owns and knows who they are, and their true reality. Let this be, then, a realization for those who wish to know the nature of freedom.

Oct. 15, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross



The Temple of Forgiveness

JANU:   This morning we speak of the Temple of Forgiveness, which lies within the being. And forgiveness of self and others is the same.

Forgiveness, then, is a reality the presence of which resides symbolically in the heart. It is understood by the mind, but its strength of manifestation is in emotion, whose foundation and source of being is Universal Love. The Temple of Forgiveness is in reference to a quality of being that one must worship in to gain its strength and clarity. When applied without conditions, the love at the root of forgiveness reveals understanding, which brings compassion.

Let there be, then, a movement in this direction, where this becomes a tradition, rather than a unique experiment and the Temple of Forgiveness flourishes and supports many to achieve their own. And as this spreads through humanity, a collective Temple of Forgiveness transforms human society and behavior into freedom to be, a Light, ultimately, to other worlds, for this is powerful reality and contagious.

Today’s focus, the Temple of Forgiveness, can be seen in many ways but the Light of Life blossoms in those who live this way. Forgiveness opens the doors of judgment, condemnation, criticism to let in the Light and reveal everything. Move forward with this, our brother, much to be revealed.

Oct. 24, 2013                                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross

A new model for living into the future born of the present

JANU:   You ask, “What continuously brings us hope for humanity?” And that, in part, is our experience with the victories of other worlds over darkness, confusion, ignorance, and brutality. Many have accomplished this victory and it is our passion and conviction that humanity will do so as well. There are many elements of this victory that currently exist in human society, seemingly isolated from the much-publicized brutality of the world. Many of these go unannounced, recognized, or acknowledged. Humanity’s bright future, bright potential is clearly seen by many of us. It is our effort to help humanity see these, as well.

There will be a time, our brother, when humanity on Earth exists without wars or famine, infant mortality, or disease for understanding will ensue as to the cause, the root causes, of these. And once understood, and the alternatives, humanity will make the choices needed and create their bright future. There are those in your world who understand these things and long for them as well, and the worlds humanity of the Earth are yet to meet have already achieved this and understand it. As humanity awakens, the awareness of the reality behind such behavior will bring about these changes.

The news media of your world focuses primarily on fear-based attitudes, observing the mayhem, pandering to the fears of the public for sensationalism to market their coverage. Humanity’s solutions are revealed from within and that path is described as ‘awakening to the truth of life.’ What could be more important for humanity, than to know the truth and see it grow with deep understanding as to their own nature and the nature of life around them? Humanity has chosen these dark experiences through ignorance and experimentation with the limits of outrageous behavior and thoughts and emotions and personal agendas.

What time is better than any other to awaken? Awakening offers, to every profession and interest and walk of life, the insight, the clarity, and the genius to excel, create, prosper, and lift others in the enlightened direction of their choice, for all benefit from this. Understand that when your neighbor is enriched, you are as well, for society is lifted, genius and creativity flower. And how can prosperity not come from this?

Oct. 13, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross




The moment of creation

JANU:   For this evening’s service, let us take note of the reality that life is erupting everywhere, like a volcano. Recycling old patterns and spewing forth new ones, new opportunities for life to blossom. Even the birth of a child is life erupting onto the scene. When the sun rises, light is erupting into the skies and shining on life, bringing life, sustaining it. Each day is a new day, not the same as the one before. Life is erupting everywhere, all the time. Even creative thought, new ideas, concepts, principles, are emerging, erupting into life, into manifestation. How can one not see that life is in motion? All of life.

What we serve this evening is the awareness that everyone’s life is erupting into being, so much so that one can expect it and never be disappointed. Life is filled with a constant flow of changing opportunities, spewing forth layer upon layer of these. Those who are only planning for the future miss the eruptions of the moment, and miss opportunities, and wonder why nothing seems to happen to them and their lives are stagnant and boring and without change.

We serve then with inspiration for humanity to see how rich the moment is, by being conscious of it. A building to be constructed began with the birth of an idea in a moment. The building is real, at that moment; the rest is process. Without that moment, there would be no building, not that one, anyway. Many would say the building is not real until it is built. It is real, our brother, from the moment of thought and desire. It is the same, our brother, with achieving health and well-being and joy and lightheartedness and genius. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 11, 2013 B          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross