JANU: Assembling understanding to make a point, which becomes a seed to grow on its own, is an artform. The seed we plant, the seedling, has the potential of an echo of the past, but not the past of Earth. This past we speak of has to do with a kind of communication from fundamental to complex vibration: patterns, rhythms, simultaneous expressions, and—at times—temperature. Words have similar vibrations but are so ambiguous. One will learn to sensitize the powers of perception to detect and interpret these patterns. A pattern here and a pattern there. So, you see, there are different expressions of words in life that are not vocal. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
New Journeys
Social changes to come
JANU: Prepared, then, we are for upcoming events in the progression of the general evolution of life involving humanity. What we see here are major steps in cooperation and collaboration between elements of society, which spills over into the inclusion of the wellness of the Earth and of its creatures. Profound revelations in the beauty, the practicality, and the profitability in mutual consideration and caring will change the architecture of society, the well-being of individuals and, in time, replace the consumption of resources with creation of these.
These social models exist elsewhere and are evolving. The advances in every part of life will take place. A coordination between enlightened leadership and personal integrity a good beginning. Namaste.
Dec. 2, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Awakening questions
JANU: Awakening is the pursuit here, is the theme. The goal of awakening is to be conscious. And, then, conscious of what? And, once conscious, then what? What does it serve?
Is it not life becoming conscious of itself, self-aware and realizing the fullness of potential? Always becoming something more.
What is all this thrust to expand, to grow, to evolve, to mature, to create, to experience, to understand, to be? What is behind all of this? And what is its destiny?
Is there a reality aside from all of this?
What makes the question profound, or an answer profound?
Is there a reality other than life?
Is cause and effect always the case?
What is the nature of everything?
What is reality?
What is the full range of the nature of love?
And what is true peace?
What binds the coexistence of dimensions, subtle realities?
And what is the source of these questions?
Nov. 23, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
A Christmas message
JANU: The quality of humanity is demonstrated in its creativity that expresses high beauty, noble aspirations, and allows for something finer than itself. The Christmas spirit expresses the nobility of the True Nature of humanity. This occurs throughout humanity more than once a year. Christ Mass is a celebration of these ideals. Give it its due. See it in this way. Celebrate the source of human consciousness. Namaste.
Dec. 24, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Mastering memories II
This follows directly on yesterday’s journey on Mastering Memories.
JANU: These portrayals of life called life patterns are a composite or foundation of understanding through experience which carry with them emotions, at times regrets more than victories, and tend to mask the memories of achievement, for these memories are perceived as being corrected in some way, and the achievements being more taken for granted rather than valued to be built upon. It seems easier to remember the disturbing ones rather than the victories.
So let us dwell upon resurrecting, if you will, moments of achievement, peaceful and happy times, happy and constructive sharings with others, the advances in understanding. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Mastering memories
JANU: Being at peace while reviewing memories that have been disturbing or regrettable or less than peaceful allows one to have deeper insight into everything involved. Applying the wisdom gained is the result of promoting awakening and resolving energies, life patterns. This also applies when circumstances and experiences are creating new memories. Mastering memories in this way are a resource of insights and wisdom-gaining. Insights are there to be seen and applied to an evolution in maturity. Namaste.
Nov. 12, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Exploring a solar body, the sun
JANU: Exploring life, which includes every reality, is an adventure in awakening. And in a very real sense, it is all of life becoming conscious of, aware of, its reality.
“And how does this serve life?” you ask. It is feedback for potential, which brings wisdom through application and continues the evolution of more potential. It is self-fulfillment, which serves all of life, all of its elements, all beings in every reality, even the beings that surround you in your incarnate life. So be that explorer that grows in consciousness, that serves life in countless ways and opportunities. We explore with you, as we always have.
For this evening’s journey, let us partake of the nature of a solar body, the giver of life in so many systems. There is a rhythm to its existence, pulses. It is more than light and heat. It radiates so many forms of energy, seen and unseen. It communicates on more than one level with the system it serves. Its legacy is long. It has a consciousness that is sensitive to the parameters of its existence and has life pattern imprints of its changes. It communicates with all of life in its system and beyond its system. It measures time in its own way by its changes, its progressions, and the feedback from its system. It has its own life signature identification. It responds to the tugs of gravitational interactions. It can be communicated with as one awakens.
A good beginning. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Ways to explore life
JANU: Exploring life has different modalities. There is the focused approach on one subject. There is a more general approach becoming aware of larger and larger perspectives, more inclusive, you see. There is more of a wandering approach of finding interest here and there. There is the guided selective approach, building a foundation of understanding for various purposes. There is the service approach for proficiency in service. There is a more casual approach of observing life in motion. One need not be limited to any one approach, but include a variety, the diversity of which has its own benefit.
Let us journey at this time, randomly. This time, the interest of the True Nature holds sway, and that is a variety of cultures.
There are those whose life journeys criss-cross each other in a network pattern, with individual enclosed identities that don’t always perceive the tapestry being woven. Humanity is a lot like this. In this case, on Earth, the tapestry is being woven as a conveyance to manifest a network of conscious creators of destinies. The diversity of experiences and identities in motion are a foundation for this. Wisdom based on experience is the theme, networking on more than one level, to include the True Natures.
A small glimpse. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
The importance of time
JANU: Enormous, then, is the responsibility for excursion into time frame reality as a major part of incarnate reality. Dimensional stability depends in a large way on this reality, so it behooves the adventurer into awakening to consider with care their relationship with the reality of time. This reality gives order, cadence, and pacing to the evolution of life, the realization of potential, and the balanced interactions of elements of reality. Still, let us continue to consider that which behooves the adventurer when considering reality and what is important, what matters. We are resigned to this as well. As we said, these elements of reality, no matter the parameters of existence, interact, whether understood at the moment of not. Consider this and namaste.
Nov. 11, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Qualities of responsible enlightenment
JANU: ‘Shiroq’ is a name given to obedience factor of those elements of integrity that maintain discipline in the quest for enlightenment. Integrity in these quests, these searches, brings order to the many different opportunities of inquiry and discovery. So, even though the opportunities are many and diverse, disciplined integrity is essential. So what we explore is an understanding of this.
Enlightenment accumulates responsibility. Responsibility calls for wisdom. Wisdom comes from experience of applied enlightenment. Peace, patience, commitment, integrity, and light-heartedness enrich the experience. We will continue. Namaste.
Nov. 17, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross