New Journeys

Forgiveness is a life of freedom

JANU: Forgiveness, as requested, performs miracles in the face of blame, whether in one’s own consciousness or that of others.

Yes, even the creatures of the Earth experience this, for even they have relationships with each other that are product of their instinctual behavior and what they have learned from each other to survive. One great service from the human to an animal is kindness, allowing them to experience survival without taking that of another. They understand love and they give love back as they are capable.

The same is true of others, you see, for everyone incarnates with patterns for survival in a society that takes no prisoners, so to speak, and does not easily give kindness without payment. Each one benefits from forgiveness of self. Memories of experiences living the incarnate life keep returning as a potential blessing. Forgiveness reveals the wisdom of the experience and the freedom to move on. Not only for the self, but for others involved. A beginning for them to self-forgive should they choose it.

Forgiveness is rooted in the nature of love, the reality that unifies life’s potential, with freedom to be expressed, explored, and experienced. Forgiveness heals ill feeling, thoughts that harbor resentment and condemnation. Forgiveness removes darkness from the memory and replaces it with light and love. Forgiveness is a way of living and growing and surviving. Find the joy in the freedom of letting go of ill feelings and attitudes. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2019 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Inquiry into the meaning and purpose of life

JANU: To instill the meaning and purpose of life into the consciousness as a guiding principle for exploration, discovery, and engagement, awakening takes this to a deeper and fuller meaning and experience.

Profound questions throughout time are: What is life? Who or what am I? What is my relationship to everything? Why does suffering exist and ignorance? Why can’t I remember where I came from in this sojourn? Where is the joy, the beauty, the happiness for everyone? Is this true for all creatures? Is life on other worlds sentient? Are their cultures similar to ours? Do they have answers to these questions? And how did we get to be so far apart? Does everything have beginning and end? What is life like when discarnate? How do we find the answers to these questions and why do we have these questions at all?

The search for meaning seems endless and discoveries spawn desires for more. And what is true and what is not? These questions, and more, evoke inquiry and inner longing to awaken. The process of realization is the nature of continuing. We are confident in the existence of unlimited understanding. May the true nature of love and all of its reality guide us. Namaste.
Oct. 1, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Larger understanding of the Rapture

JANU: Rapture is a term used by many while describing being risen into what some call heaven. Some forms of this exist but mainly due to preconception and limited understanding. As we journey during these attunements, they are journeys of experiencing the beauty and the peace and the wisdom and the power, the liberation. A completely natural experience, a tradition of varying nuances and experiences best guided by the larger reality of who you are, the Divine Self, so to speak, which includes the consciousness experiencing incarnate life.

This is not a one time event. It is a process of unfoldment into the Larger Life that is always changing, evolving, realizing potential, gaining wisdom and capability to help enrich life. This experience occurs whether incarnate or not, for even in the discarnate existence life is evolving, a reality in motion. While incarnate, these journeys in consciousness bring perspective and wisdom to awareness, dispelling ignorance and limitation. This you have called ‘awakening’ and it is.

All we have spoken of coexists. All one need do is put their attention upon their True Nature and the Larger Life and the connection grows. Love this into being. It is your heritage. It is your destiny. It is who you are. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Individuality and coexistence

JANU: Talk of super powers makes one wonder what to believe in, what is possible, what is only fantasy.   Conscious union is a super power, but only in the sense that the veil has hidden this from most people. Times have changed. Awakening is occurring, not as a function of time but as the evolution of consciousness.

One may ask, “What is the benefit of the veil experience? Why would one agree to it?” The answer lies in the larger life of the individual. Another blessing of awakening is revelation. The veil is an opportunity to explore intimately incarnate life, which is a life expression, without distraction. Identifying as such brings intimacy of experience, which is recorded in the larger Nature and so enriches the larger consciousness.

This does not mean one is isolated completely from the Divine Self, the True Nature. Urgings, inspirations, subtle guidance still occur, even with the veil. There even occurs a time when one is called home, so to speak, sometimes leaving incarnate life, and others awakening while incarnate. There is wisdom to revelation and what is revealed and when, for this is not the first experience of the True Nature, of the total being.

A growing respect and confidence in the incredible wisdom in all of life. Individuality, being alone to any degree in the journey of life, is a very limited point of view. Individuality is only part of reality but it has a purpose. It fosters a sense of individual responsibility, dedication, commitment, honor, integrity. But with this collaboration, cooperation, came partnership, community, as the depth of the integrity of individuality.

Can you not see the wisdom in this? It speaks of wholeness, balance, the strength of diversity. Individuality is real but exists within a much larger reality, all coexisting and mutually beneficial. Together we are strong, in a larger way. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence, a key element of awakening

JANU: The coexistence of Life and its elements is a theme of understanding that is central to awakening to the Larger Life. The human mind, dealing with life behind the veil, is not conscious in this way. A major change in consciousness through awakening is this understanding that all of life coexists. Unique properties existing all through the body of life, each with their own integrity but each coexisting with each other. This is the beginning understanding of the nature of life and the nature of your own existence.

In this larger way of consciousness, there are no secrets, but there are protocols of engagement in order for integrities to be maintained and evolve. Life loves all of its existence, loves itself, you might say. Each one awakening moves in this direction as well, loving all that they are. Peace is experienced without regrets, disappointments, frustrations, or sense of lack. These are some of the elements of ignorance, where in this nature of each one there is so much more to be discovered, realized, and evolved. Coexistence, then, is a theme of exploration, even when exploring one’s own nature. A good place to begin, you see. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Consciousness as all that you are

JANU: Coexistence, then, means just that. The veil gives the illusion or impression that incarnate life and the Larger Life, the True Nature, are separated in some way. They are not. You exist holistically while an incarnation is an added dimension or element of experience and consciousness. One does not need to leave the body to exist spiritually. One already does. Most are not conscious of this, and this is why awakening serves you.

As the veil dissipates, one’s identity expands to include all that they are. That includes incarnate consciousness as well. The beauty of this journey is the destiny that unfolds. A complete consciousness as all that you are deepens and broadens not just the understanding of existence, but the embrace and experience of relationship with more of life. Awakening is natural, individual, liberating, empowering.

Life ‘as it is’ is life as you are. One does not have to create what one already is. Just become conscious of it and live life in a larger way. When one loves oneself as they are, it is natural to love others as they are, free to enjoy the journey of destiny supported by one’s potential. And even that evolves, you see. Life is rich, and so are you.
Sept. 26, 2019 B                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Love is the great teacher within

JANU: Laudable, then, is the understanding and embrace of the universal nature of love.  It is common ground, common virtue, for everything, for all of life. It’s the peace regulator; it supports peaceful harmony with the essence of all of life. It knows no bounds or time limit or limits of space. Space exists within its purview. Even the so-called ‘Big Bang’ was loved into being. The energies of existence, creation, destruction, the power of all of these is loved into existence. So, in that sense, love is the source of all of these powers.

Loving each other, placed in this perspective, brings integrity and balance and, through these, realignments, rejuvenation. This is indeed a larger view of life that brings clarity of perspective, reveals the truth of everything, transcends limitation, and is the great teacher within. Namaste.
Sept. 26, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Stay in motion with a fluid consciousness

JANU: Exactitude is an imprecise reality, for the nature of life is flexibility, interaction, diversity, randomness and order as an experiment in determination. So, the call to attend to life and its situations is fluid at best. As the wind is constantly changing direction, and going in multiple directions at the same time, so are life movements. Circumstances come and go, as do eddies in the stream.

So hanging on to any moment in the life for any reason flies in the face of flow. Change is constant. Life continuation is constant. Remain in motion. Remain flowing. Otherwise, the most productive and natural involvements can be missed. Trust in the wisdom of life, the omnipresent intelligence, the moment by moment consciousness, grateful, of course, for every experience. Stay in motion with a fluid consciousness. Namaste.
Sept. 25, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The journey of gender

JANU:    The elephant in the room of your thoughts is called gender consciousness. Gender is born of the desire, in a larger life, to experience physical incarnate life and procreate the species through the division of identities being male and female. The physical bodies correspond to this, neither one being who you are but what you are exploring, experimenting with, experiencing, and the means to continue the experience. Let it be known that your True Nature is a harmonious combination, balance, of all of these qualities and far more.

The incarnate experience is an experiment in evolution of consciousness realizing more of life’s potential. The aberrations in this, of gay and lesbian, are a result of an attempt to incarnate as one consciousness again. But the evolution of the species has not caught up with this, but will in time, leading to some model of androgynous existence. The transition from one to another, from conscious union to the physical correspondence, has what some might call disturbances, irregularities. Even the union of races in incarnate existence is a part of this. The desire to re-unite as one complete beingness.

Awakening to the larger reality, the larger life of your own nature, helps reveal this with at larger vision that includes the elements of these realities. This, in the larger sense, is a reunion of the elements of gender into a realization, an expression in this dimension of physicality once again. There are journeys to follow this one, but a distraction at this time to explore. But humanity’s reality is in transition. Much to be experienced and learned along the way, building wisdom, evolving life.

So, in all of your endeavors while incarnate, evolve, grow, explore, continue, realize all potentials. Leave no stone unturned, so to speak. Fulfill your destinies that you have chosen and they will bring you into balance in the larger way in your expressions of life. Namaste.
Oct. 15, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The International Day of the Girl

JANU:   Recent events signify and signal that remuneration, so to speak, of investment of capital into the liberation and emancipation of the female gender of humanity. Let it be known that this so-called International Day of the Girl (celebrated Oct. 11th) is another threshold marking a consciousness shift in the destiny of humanity. It belongs to, on the order of, the awakening of humanity. Balance returning to the format of the genders of the species.

Yes, other worlds have achieved this and major changes in their evolution and achievements have occurred. This direction of change is essential for the awakening of humanity. The balance returned to human consciousness will benefit all creatures as well, for the relationship of humanity to nature will improve.

It takes both genders in society to bring balance to civilization and the legacy of humanity. This transition will have its challenges but be the observer in a larger way as destiny is being fulfilled. Namaste.
Oct. 11, 2019                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross