New Journeys

Understanding Conscious Union

JANU:    We are handling, if you will, the enabling of expression referring to the wisdom of the Larger Life when it comes to the affairs of the human incarnate journey. Let us assume, then, that it is true that there is much to be gained through the experiences of the human journey, even as they are at this time. How can one understand what they have not experienced? And that gives rise to wisdom and to perception of what can be and what will come.

What we see here clearly are new realities created based on potential more than old patterns of consciousness. Understand this, that potential, the nature of potential, is creativity in motion, not a fixed reality, in harmony with the flow of life. The difference between horizontal and vertical thinking. Allow new and unique perceptions not limited to memories.

You seek conscious union with the Larger Life. The union with what, our brother? Union within the reality of your total being. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Processing regrets

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to proceed along the line of borrowed regrets. What is meant by this is: regrets are borrowed from old traditional thinking, finding fault with the process of living and learning.

When something occurs, an experience, and regret ensues, turn the coin over and learn from this. Turn it into a blessing of understanding, change, insight, and meaning. Regrets are old patterns of thinking, and resolve nothing, and continue themselves in unending circles.

Learn from everything, every experience. Deny nothing. Embrace the truth of your path in life. Move forward with the wisdom gained. Forgiveness is a wonderful substitute for regret, for oneself and for others. Be patient with the learning process. Re-create your life, moment by moment. Observe others in this same way. Learn and move on, grateful for the opportunity to grow. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Understanding a moment of service

JANU: Service, this evening, comprises the feelings of urgency in the realities of living by those who live by timetables and clocks, if you will. Time-based schedules do not allow for fluidity in the patterns of life. And life is fluid, with eddies and currents and flows, and blockages, temporary though they may be. What then of the nature of a sense of the movement of life that is unlimited and free and belongs to the moment?

Ordained outcomes, preplanned interactions, fixed goals and objectives do not consider course corrections…or should we say, course changes or completely new directions. Many directions in life have their moment, have their purpose, and are fulfilled even when they seem unfulfilled. Even service is modified by life and changes its mode, its form, as life changes.

So what then of the principle of service, in light of this? The principle of service is to support the fulfillment of all destinies, in harmony with their ever-changing realities. So to hang your hat on, so to speak, or set your sights on concrete perceptions, interpretations, and understandings of any life that is served, and even the manner of service, is limiting. So let us serve life this evening with a growing understanding and perception of all destinies being in flux. So the attitude to ‘fix this’ or ‘fix that’ does not lend itself to the harmonies of life in motion, the moments of destiny, and the truth of their existence.

More then, be an instrument of service in an unlimited way, even to the finest moment. Namaste.
May 10, 2013 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Service: Façades

JANU:    What we serve then this evening is the peeling back of a layer of façade that brings us closer to true identity. And how does someone do this, without first recognizing or identifying what a façade really is? Most façades have to do with social consciousness, how you appear to others and their impression of you. A truer freedom of being is a lessening of this identification as a result of social consciousness. Serving others does not require them to approve of you or anyone else. The question becomes “Do you approve of you?” Once again, to inspire another to let go of a façade, your example goes a long way.

Why choose façades at all? What is the reward: to gain stature in the presence of others; to impress; to hide your own fears, self-doubts and, to some, ignorance or lack of wealth? One’s estate in life is not truly measured with impressions and influence, for these things inspire a lack in others, lowering confidence and self-esteem. When a moment of honesty in the appearance of your True Nature, unguarded, pure, at peace, and loving, inspires these in others, that they find their strength from within and not the façade, you see. Introspection here is a good thing.

What façades does one live by? It is a good question. What social advantage gained has any depth or endurance or true peace? There is always the fear that others will discover what lies behind the façade, you see. This does not bring you peace or balance and equilibrium throughout your being. The façades easily become one’s identity and their true identity withdraws further and further until the confusion of façades remains, a scenario for depression and emptiness.

So turn the corner and let them go. Discover them for their emptiness and turn your attention to the peace and joy, the strength and freedom that has always been there. Radiate honesty, openness, and appreciation of what lies within everyone you meet. And your Light will know theirs. There are many façades but only one you, one identity, one life. Namaste.
April 2, 2013 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


A meaning for Namaste

JANU:    ‘Namaste’ refers to a holding of the ideal of life as a blessing for all involved. This we hold for the awakening humanity.

“What is the ideal of life?” you ask. It is the benevolence of every element of life to each other. This is the nature of life existence. It promotes evolvement, creativity, realization, refinement, and re-creation. Service to humanity founded in this brings synergism to all realities of life. That synergism exists no matter the degree of elemental consciousness or utilization creatively.

We promote this understanding for the benefit of those awakening to their own Nature and, through this path of destiny, the Nature of everything. This so-called arcane understanding belongs to all archives of life, so let us promote this understanding and, more than that, live it. Being in harmony with the natural flow of life, how can life do anything but prosper? Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2019                                                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What do you want most?

JANU:    We are encouraging then at this time the resurgence of the desire for awakening, for life expansion, for realization of potential, for true happiness and freedom, for loving oneself, and for helping each other. What we focus on at this time is the beauty of life, its richness, its capacity, its eternal nature, its diversity, its genius.

The reality of this lives within the Nature of each one. The wisdom of it is revealed to the individual through the experience of the incarnate life and the veil, chosen by each one, created by each one, overcome by each one. Realizing more of the totality of being is part of the destiny of incarnate life. But this leads to so much more, for incarnate and discarnate life is not all there is.

Expressions of being are without limit. Unlimited mind explores this. An open heart embraces this. A valid question, ask yourself: “What do you want most in this moment?” Then embrace it as a co-creator with Life itself. Namaste.
Feb. 20, 2019                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Hoping there is more to life

JANU:  Hoping, then, that there exists reality beyond the five senses is a key, a trigger to discovery. Why would one hope such a thing? Because of an inner suspicion that there is more to life than is currently known. Where answers to unanswered questions reside. Where deeper understandings make for wiser choices and greater happiness and success in physical life endeavors. Where the urge and desire to explore the unknown is possible.

The Larger Life reality includes everything, as well as incarnate life, for they coexist and are mutually influential. But in what ways, to what degrees? And can this relationship be managed? And is the answer to the question “Who or what am I? Why am I?” available?

If you can ask the question sincerely, the door to knowing is open. Any question, on any subject, at any time has an answer. In fact, many answers, for the layers of truth of reality extend deeply. Is any part of your existence, your thoughts, your interests healed with exploration, inquiry, and discovery? The grand adventure is realization, the becoming.

Decide to know. Listen with patience and without doubt. The understanding exists. Love it and embrace it into your life and move on. Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The art of service and communication

JANU:    There is service in the measurement of what is revealed in the life of any conscious being seeking to grow in awareness. How, then, does one measure the degree of contribution to the one who inquires?

There is a bit of an art to this, for it includes the light that is that one, you call ‘True Nature,’ and the authority comes from there. Not just there, but strongly there. When you address or counsel those who ask you questions, one must always attune to the inner reality of the art of communication and service for that one. The decision is not yours for it to be the wisest choice. But the ego can get in the way, so to speak, wanting to bedazzle this one with what you think you know. So always seek illumination into the art of the moment, when serving another.

The art of service takes into account many elements of the true needs and the wisdom to guide. Service is a gentle, patient reality. Information and understanding are powerful and are given to those unlikely to abuse them. The strong individual has humility and patience and a love of life and a desire for life to prosper in harmony with its nature and its flow. Namaste.
March 12, 2013 D                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Serving the true needs of another

JANU: Service includes a wide range of realities accessed by those so attuned and prepared for each one. Service for this evening shall include a look at the divine nature of holding close to one’s heart the true needs of another.

This level of intimacy in connecting with another must be done through the heart pattern. It requires great clarity of consciousness, free of judgement and free of limiting them in any way with your analysis of their condition. So, no matter what the condition addressed in another, ask the question or seek the understanding of the true need and the true source of life that is the one served.


September 19, 1998 A                                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Truth can seem ambiguous & confusing

JANU: The truth resembles what some may call ambiguous and confusing. For the interpreter and observer, the truth depends upon perspective, experience or lack thereof, preferences, traditions, points of view. When investigating any so-called truth, be prepared for diversions and distractions that are difficult to reconcile.

The closer one comes to enlightened consciousness beyond the five senses, the more revealing the reality of any pursuit. Therefore, observe with patience and caution the perceptions of others, relying upon a growing power of discernment that one would be wise to continue to develop. Take everything within. Shine the Light of the Larger Life upon them with patience and openness. Much to be learned beyond what is being presented including the origins of that presented.

Listen carefully, both within and without. The layers of truth are there. The Larger Life is rich with understanding. There are no secrets. Namaste.
Feb. 12, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross