New Journeys

Exploring that you are not conscious of

JANU: We are relishing with you the path ahead, a culmination of sorts of the many journeys taken. In the beginning, the journey seems a lonely one, for those around you, incarnate, seem unaware much less understand you. But answering the call within, with commitment, patience, and a growing understanding builds momentum, which builds upon itself.

How does one explore that which they are unaware of? By exploring with their True Nature that is aware and connected with so many others. Journeying throughout the Larger Life is a prerogative of enlightened consciousness. Pay attention to your insights, your inspirations, no matter how fleeting. Acknowledge the divinity of your own True Nature. Let that be the authority for your evolution and your journeys. Your potential for integrity is larger than you know. Stand confidently in the truth of your own being. It is at one with the nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Conscious coexistence with Earth

JANU: Congratulations to the evolution of Earth consciousness among the hierarchy of worlds in the solar realm of this system.

How then does a world evolve, in what manner? The evolution is concerned with its contribution to life. Certainly this is demonstrated by coexistence of physical humanity, which is of the Earth, and the consciousness of those who incarnate into them. This symphony of life, called population, is not just for the human components but all of the creatures of the Earth and their many destinies.

The Earth is evolving. Some would say, “Well, without the physical Earth, what would be the reality of Earth consciousness?” The same question could be asked of the human being. Without the body, what becomes of the so-called consciousness of humanity? Humans do not appraise the significance of the world they live upon in any way resembling that of themselves. Exploration of this reality is overdue, for co-creator and progeny have a mutual dependency. There would be no human existence without the planet Earth.

So, when exploring the expansion of consciousness, becoming more intimate with the Larger Life, include the Earth as well. There is a bond yet to be discovered. A conscious relationship is possible with other worlds. The Earth communicates with other worlds and the Larger Life. Much to be learned here, gained in experience.

Individuals have challenges coexisting with each other. Much can be learned from the coexistence of humanity and the Earth. Opportunities abound. Richness surrounds you. Partake of it and contribute to it. Namaste.
Jan. 21, 2019                                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Partnering in awakening

JANU: We are raising issue again with the dynamics of human awakening. A continuous process, since the beginning of the human experience and not unique to human consciousness, by any means.

Partnering in awakening with others, not only incarnate as humans but others as well, is a vast opportunity, for consciousness is not limited to time/space nor is it predictable other than by its potential. We see opportunity here. Let it be known that we agree with partnership and that it be born of a sense of community in the Larger Family of Life. We recognize ‘treaties’ between groups to correspond, to relate, to aid the diversity of progression as it brings about insight into expansiveness of life.

Let us reach together—together meaning ‘unity of being’—returning to relationships that are ongoing and that have progressed, even while incarnate, whether conscious of these progressions or not. Life is in motion, always evolving, as are we. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Human destiny

JANU: Speaking to the destiny of humanity, what an intriguing journey humanity has taken. Not just this world, but on others as well. Peace seems to be the theme eluding humanity the most, prolonged struggle, suffering, confusion, and conflict. But sprinkled throughout this destiny have been moments of joy-filled peace, gratitude, service to others, evolving love, the desire to awaken more fully, to know and understand, to discover and to create.

So where does all this leave the human destiny? Seemingly mired in traditional struggles and conflicts, but make no mistake: humanity is emerging. Peace is becoming more prevalent in the hearts of many. As the attention focuses more on this, collectively, this becomes the dominant reality and the struggles are revealed for their origin and their destinies. Striving for a more fulfilling life on every level need no longer seem illusive.

The message of the moment is commitment, clarity of vision, determination to experience. Confidence that beliefs become reality not dogma, not doctrines of the past, but belief and the beauty that life possesses and delivers. Each one is so imbued with the potential for such a destiny. Focus on one’s own potential, the richness from within. Open mind and heart to the reality of the True Nature and its relationship with the Larger Life. Allow your identity to blossom and be the light that it is. Namaste to all.
Jan.11, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The nature and forms of service

JANU:    Service agrees with the patterns that bring order to the forms of life and their nature, that they continue in their integrity and their relationship with each other, guided by wisdom. Service is constantly in motion and a part of life. The nature of service exists individually when rendering aid, uplifting another, offering a loaf of bread, so to speak. But service exists in more fundamental and far more profound ways, but the nature is the same. How does one, then, resolve the understanding of serving individually and being part of the entire scheme or reality of service? They are both the same, not to see them as separate things but one truth.

All service is in harmony with life, when the heart and mind are open to the true needs of another, whether it be human or otherwise, including your world itself. Service refines the spirit, giving expression to creativity and the pulse of life. Service enriches the participant and the receiver, for it elevates and continues life itself. Service reveals the varieties and nature of life to the servant.

There are many realities of service, from the need of some to be recognized or appreciated to those who prefer complete anonymity. But all is service and is honorable when moving through life. And yes, receiving and giving service are one, for one does not exist without the other, you see.   Namaste.
June 27, 2012 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Participating in service

JANU: We would begin with these understandings as to the nature of the Orders of Life.

Now the orders we speak of come to you in part by the searches in understanding and service. Service, then, follows the guidelines that bring into focus that which pertains to support that is in harmony with, or agrees with, the Orders of Life. So, generally, this evening we embrace and pattern with the Orders of Life as they relate to service. Let us begin this.

Can you not see that? For service begins to take on a new light, a richer purpose, and a destiny, almost as if service has a life of its own, and service is continuous. So, in offering to participate in service, you participate in something that never ceases, has momentum and destiny.

Yes, the reality is ‘serving’ and ‘being served’ two sides of the same coin, so to speak, simultaneous movement of life. Service, then, moves through you more than from you. Namaste.
April 3, 2012 B                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


All of life is awakening

JANU:    This journey of life called awakening belongs to the history of all of evolving life. It is a partnership on so many levels. It agrees with the imperative of everything to continue, to evolve, to create, to mature. The journey into incarnate existence is part of this and focuses the intent, the process, by virtue of the veil. Isolating the consciousness, the awareness, to a more limited portion of life while still being motivated by the larger True Nature to experience and, through the experience, awaken, gaining the wisdom of the journey, adding to the wisdom of the True Nature, serving life on the way.

Awakening is a continuing process that had never ceased but went through changes in the process due to incarnation. The bigger picture here is inclusive of all of this. All of life is awakening, maturing, growing, becoming more and, as potential is realized, the process deepens and expands. Everything in motion. The only absolute is life itself. There is more to the reality of life than one can imagine. Individuality and oneness do not conflict in any way; they are one. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Regulating distractions on the path of destiny

JANU:    We are regulating, then, that which belongs to destiny, meaning commitment, focus, clarity of understanding, insight, delivery of service. What we reach for in these exercises is strengthening of bonds, conscious bonds between elements of being and the Nature of Life. These bonds are in motion, interacting, pulsing if you will with the flows of life within the destiny unfolding, a very dynamic reality. These regulations are designed to redirect what have been distractions of memory, daily activities, thought processes, dealing with the pressures of incarnate life. Reaching for something more that includes the distractions but orders their appearance in such a way as to bring synchronicity to experiences.

Let us continue with these regulations of focus and commitment. The rewards are the feedback that you long for that reveal effectiveness and progress. These markers on journeys in consciousness are natural and recognized when attuned to. Life is a dynamic presence, filled with everything needed to explore itself, to manifest its potential, to realize everything. Continue the adventure. Be at peace with the presence of Life and your own Nature. Namaste.
Jan. 7, 2019 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Benevolent existence

JANU:  We are revealing, at this time, that which is needed to progress along the lines of shared enlightenment. The contribution of each one to each other as to their knowledge and understanding of the deeper and the larger realities of life goes a long way towards ‘benevolent existence.’ A valid inquiry into one’s Nature as to the benevolence of their participation in the social construct of society.

Now, this is a matter that bears insight in deepening layers of perception and understanding where the source of these is experience, and the wisdom that generates, and the True Nature. No one individual being has all of the insights and wisdom to benefit everyone. That resource is each one’s True Nature, but we can be of helpfulness to each other.

You speak of feedback to determine effectiveness. Everything about you provides this, when allowed to express freely and honestly. Being overly cautious to be expressive is a limitation. Being expressive without guidance and wisdom creates confusion. So the balance here is created by sensitivity, wisdom, and feedback, direct insight into the moment.

Why not, then, embrace life more fully? Reach for the stars, so to speak, in enlightenment, in awakening, in understanding. Everyone deserves this from you, as do you. Be as benevolent as the moment allows. Love each other. Be patient with each other. Care about each other. Understand each other. And serve each other. Namaste.
Jan. 7, 2019                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Recognizing opportunities for growth

JANU: We are searching that which belongs to the progression of human development and consciousness and society. What we see here is the endurance of prolonged desire for a better life. Even though concepts may prove limited, they are the catalyst to move humanity forward or, should we say, in a more conscious direction. The reason, partially, for continued mayhem, warring, and mistreatment of each other is ignorance of the tools, if you will, needed to re-create circumstance that is more rewarding. So, humans live in fear of dire consequences, lacking confidence in their own power to create change.

We of the Brotherhood have long been proponents of individual insights into the presence of the Larger Life where the creative forces reside. These forces coexist with the incarnate life, so the creation of new life patterns is always available. These opportunities are seldom recognized for what they are: brief moments of insight; or the unexplained synchronicity of events; the appearance of opportunities unpredicted and unexplained; a piece of literature, an overheard phrase or comment triggering query into possibilities not thought of. The opportunities abound and are catalysts for inquiry, if the interest is there.

For many, the Larger Life seems unreal, if not impossible, based on current veiled experience. Inner promptings to explore and discover touch the consciousness. Seed thoughts, if you will. Recognizing these as having value is part of the process. Humanity is evolving, as is all of life. Benefit from the rewards of journeying together. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019 B                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross