Finding beauty

JANU:    Beauty, then, is the theme of your interest at this time. Beauty is all around you, not always perceived. You live with beauty, with the angel of your choosing. She is not the only one in the world, our brother. There are many, brilliant with simple pure hearts and motivations. There is some of this in everyone yet unrealized. This is the vision of so many who support humanity, male and female. Even the creatures of the world respond to this in humans as they demonstrate kindness to each other and the creatures of the world. Your own experiments bear witness to this.

This is beauty born from within, the heritage and legacy of the True Nature. It plays a role in all the creative art forms, people giving of themselves as honestly as they know how. Choose to see and respond to beauty everywhere, including your own being. It is unmistakable and nurtures your channel of life and its flow. Namaste.
May 16, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross