What would you change or add to each day?

JANU: We are Janu speaking, remembering these negotiations with life—and by ‘life’ we mean countless manifestations, beings, and realities. Many grew weary of the sameness of each day, the seemingly constant burden of the struggles to continue and asked the question, “Is this all there is?” and “Why bother?”

The answer is no, this is not all there is. It’s just all you’ve allowed and settled for. Return to the spark of living and the magic of it. Let your imagination run free as to the kind of life you desire. Imagine, visualize, the experience. Remember, any change you project in your life begins instantaneously and then, with follow through and commitment, unfolds. The norms of society are not your guidelines, the limits of your endeavor. They are just the platform to express your unfolding vision.

No, you are not an island in life. You are connected to many others. And you share your lives as you create them. But your vision for your life and what it includes can exist at the same time as that of others. Life is never limited to a ‘this or that’ perspective. It’s ‘this and that’ and that and that. There’s room in life, so to speak, for the vision of everyone. So with sensitivity for others around you, your dream can be and so can theirs.

Allowing your vision to include supporting others in new truth, you will find that you are being supported in your vision even as you support theirs. Allow your dream to unfold as it may, for the movement of life is process and the flow of life cannot be stopped, our brother, but it can include countless creations, including yours. So bring creativity to the routines of your day, and they can become an adventure as well.

So, ask the question: What would you change in your life? What would you add to your day? What would you choose? The little changes are as important as the so-called large changes. They both have riches for you to embrace. Namaste, our brother.

March 3, 2015B                                                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Change as a way of life

JANU: We are serving, then at this time, the notion that the awakening of humanity is but a choice away. The choice is simple, our brother. The process can be far from that.

The choice is the key to walk through a doorway into a new world. One might ask, “Why would one not make this choice and remain in the old world?” Mostly, it’s fear of the unknown, which ignores the question: “Why choose the unknown?” Why choose the known, when the unknown is so advantageous? It is the illusion of security and stability in that that is known, even with all the warts, so to speak. This is evident in the lives of people who delay a change in employment, a change in location, even a change in appearance, or a change in philosophy and identity.

Small changes are usually allowed when their connection to the present is still clear. Suggesting that someone completely change their entire life is a bit unrealistic in today’s social climate. So, when we suggest awakening, our brother, we understand this. So what we dangle in front of the imagination of people are small changes with an easy connection between the old and the new. As people awaken and experience more and more of the new, their confidence builds and they can accommodate and absorb larger changes. Allowing change to become a preferred way of living can be a miracle in itself. Even though some profess the desire for sweeping changes, their reach can be beyond their grasp, so to speak. Would that wisdom prevail.

“And where is the source of this wisdom?” you ask. It is your True Nature, our brother, the collective reality of all that you’ve been and can be, and the connection it has with the rest of life. Once again, the product of awakening.

So you see, awakening is the dance of life, which includes steps taken, rhythms mastered, patterns developed, and assimilations of the Truth of Life. A miraculous process that embraces much. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 19, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross